Energy medicine: activate your body’s system to unleash vitality and raise your vibration – FREE five-day online event

Are you fascinated by the latest breakthroughs in energy medicine? Looking for simple ways to gently release energetic blockages in order to raise your vibration?

Thousands of people from around the world will soon be gathering together for an incredible 5-day online Energy Medicine event to explore the latest scientific evidence revealing that you do have the power within to restore balance when you’re feeling off physically, emotionally, or spiritually.

You can join the event too – FREE of charge – here:

Energy Medicine: Activate Your Body’s System to Unleash Vitality and Raise Your Vibration – FREE 5-Day Online Event

Through the potent workings of energy medicine, you can gain a greater understanding of the subtle energies that run your life — and learn to calibrate your own energy to align with a deep well of potential healing.

During this vibrant 5-day event, you’ll discover:

  • How to access your inner zero-point healing field to activate emotional and physical revitalization
  • The 3 principles of bioenergetics to detect, correct, and protect your energy
  • The 7 precise methods for generating brainwave frequencies that result in what’s known as “coherent mind”
  • How to apply the 8 branches of yin and yang universal laws to daily living so you can cultivate health, wellness, and longevity
  • How the energy of money is linked with your personal energy and wellbeing — and ways to increase your vitality by healing your relationship with money
  • Why EFT (emotional freedom techniques) tapping is so quick and effective for healing trauma — and how this method can create lasting transformation
  • And much more!

RSVP here to secure your FREE place at this must-attend event!

Energy medicine is based on the premise that physical, mental, and behavioral issues are third-dimension manifestations of the body’s subtle energies — and can be treated at the root cause by addressing not only your physical being, but by also working with your emotions, past trauma, and connections to others, both past and present.

As you attune to the factors that are clouding your energy, you discover a portal to release challenging energetic buildups and blockages arising from stress, illness, or difficult relationships.

New science-based research shows myriad ways that we are interconnected energetically, while also supporting the different forms of energy medicine that promote healing.

During this Energy Medicine 5-Day Online Event, you’ll learn how to access and activate the electromagnetic web of your body for therapeutic purposes.

Don’t miss it – register here today FREE of charge!

You’ll learn from more than 40 of today’s highly sought-after teachers, doctors, and healers.  Plus, you’re in good hands with our summit co-hosts Dr. Robyn Benson, a regenerative medicine specialist and founder of the Santa Fe Soul Center for Optimal Health, Alkemia Earth, a certified energy healer, spiritual alchemist, and founder of Ascension Academy, and guest host Dondi Dhalin, an energy medicine consultant and author of The Five Elements.

Here’s just a small sampling of what they’ll be sharing with you:

  • Dr. Sue Morter will demonstrate how to work with bioenergetics to build new neural circuitry, allowing mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual healing to occur naturally.
  • Dawson Church, PhD, will demonstrate how to use your mind to create bliss neurotransmitters in your brain and anti-aging hormones in your body — and even influence matter itself in the physical world.
  • Dr. Maya Shetreat will focus on how we got to this fragmented, polarized place of pitting science against other, non-linear ways of knowing — and suggest ways to invite sacred perspectives into the health conversation.
  • Tina Zion says that within you there is a powerful healer, and reveals potent primary steps you can take to alter your body and your life.
  • Dr. Shamini Jain reveals how exploring our bioelectromagnetic nature — from cells to communities — is revolutionizing medicine,— and offers fundamental healing keys that we can use to flourish.
  • Dr. Aberto Villoldo will share ways to heal yourself by coming to terms with your own shadow.
  • With Cyndi Dale, you’ll explore how powerful gamma and lambda brainwaves can help you achieve super-learning, greater recall, and higher healing.
  • Master Mingtong Gu will teach Qigong sound-healing practices that use your own voice to activate energy vibrations that can transform your emotions.
  • Rollin McCraty, PhD, will present scientific data showing that the heart radiates detectable magnetic signals into the environment, allowing you to create energy fields that raise consciousness vibration for yourself and others.
  • Dr. Elena Villanueva, DC, will explain how the body and brain can get out of alignment, causing a distortion of your bioenergetic field that often leads to chronic disease and mental illness.

Imagine being so in tune with the baseline vibrational energy that courses through your being that you can assess and treat energetic imbalances as they arise — before they manifest into physical dis-ease or emotional dysregulation.

Simply put, energy medicine techniques that you’ll learn in this 5-day event put you fully back in control of your health, your emotions, and your wellbeing.

Regain control of the energies in YOUR life – RSVP here today!

We’ll see you there!


By Wake Up World

A labor of love.

For years, we watched the power-brokers posing as democratic governments around the world tighten regulation in the name of “freedom”, tighten the censorship of opinions that contradict their agenda, disparage and outlaw effective and ancient natural (ie. unpatentable) medical interventions, and feed the public “news” that seems invented solely to manipulate, control and instill fear and division. Finally, like many of you, we felt overwhelmed, angry and in disbelief, and decided to stop watching and do something positive to help change the status quo.

That was the day that Wake Up World was born.

The little blog that could.

Starting as a simple blog, our initial focus was to document some of the inconsistencies in the official stories of the world’s governments, seemingly spun in the name of maintaining control and supporting a progressively corporate-focused agenda. Over the next 3 years, as our readership grew, the site – and we – grew and evolved along with it. Now with a Facebook community of nearly 4 million people (and growing) Wake Up World is a platform for a range of authors, covering topics we believe are the most important today; physical health, emotional and  spiritual growth, political awareness, sovereignty and our human rights, and social and environmental sustainability. Featuring a range of  writers from around the world, we proudly offer an alternative voice to the drone of mass media… and it really seems to resonate with people!

Our mission.

Our mission is pretty simple; we offer information that we think will help people to live better, see through the lies, and break down the old ways of thinking and being that no longer serve our society. We examine  what we perceive to be the most important problems in our failing society today, we  discuss potential solutions and alternatives that might help us to rebuild our society from this mess we find ourselves in, and offer commentary on our strange and wonderful lives in  this living, energetic organism we call Earth, the Universe and the Multiverse.

We publish articles that inform and challenge our our thinking and preconceptions. We speak our truth and offer a platform for other people to speak theirs. And we hope that, in some small way, we contribute to the sustainable, heart-centered and enlightened future we know is on the horizon.


Our Earth – the Living Organism

Your mission.

Of course, we encourage discernment and critical thinking. We certainly don’t believe everything we see, hear and read, and we don’t encourage you to either. We encourage our readers to question any and all information that comes across your path. If an article you read rings true to you, pass the knowledge on — there are easy ‘sharing’ options for social media on each of our posts, and you can sign up to our free e-newsletter here. If you have a question, why not post a comment or join the  conversation on Facebook? You never know who you might connect with!

But most importantly, we encourage you to follow your intuition. Only you  know  what feels right for you, so why not do it, be it and live it?

Now is always the right time for right action.

Revolution is not a thing of the past.

The heart is the new brain.

With our minds informed and our hearts open, we can Wake Up the World.

It starts with each of us.

About the founders.

Our names are Ryan and Andy. Although we share many common views about “life, the universe and everything”, we didn’t always, and still don’t, and we approach life from totally different perspectives and backgrounds.

We knew we shared a purpose when we first met in 2001, but it took until 2011 for it to truly manifest. Once we started taking ‘risks’ in our lives, and listening to our inner voices over our expectations and conditioning — that’s when everything changed. The Universe conspired to clear our path, and synchronicity abounded. And in the bigger picture, we believe this can happen for all of us, if we learn to trust ourselves and the unknown, and get out of our own way.

While this collective awakening (the Shift) remains a ‘work in progress’, we consider it our role to offer a mouthpiece to a variety of writers, information and views that best represent the truth as we see it in the outside world, and our inner truth, offering an alternative to the endless manipulations and distractions of mainstream media, the theatre of modern politics, the pharmaceutical “health” model, the popular consumer culture, and the overtly masculine (ie. unbalanced) spiritual energy embodied by our culture on the whole.

But it’s more than that. Wake Up World isn’t just about providing an ‘alternative’, or challenging mainstream thinking, or telling people what we think is not working, and why. Wake Up World is also about solutions — social, scientific, political, and personal. You already know what’s not working. If you’re anything like us, you already felt that ‘something wasn’t right’ before websites like Wake Up World started talking about why. Now, it’s pretty damn hard to miss. So we’re here to help create a new paradigm. We’re about bringing the ‘alternative’ back into the mainstream, celebrating all the good and joyous and beautiful things in the world, improving ourselves and our lives, taking our power back, and reminding ourselves that the simplicity of the “old ways” can actually show us the “new way” forward.

And our philosophy isn’t just about peace love and sustainability, it’s about multidimensionality too.

We don’t see the world through rose colored glasses, but ultimately, we are optimists. As anthropologist Margaret Mead once said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has”. We believe we can change the world for the better. Although we’re fast marching in the other direction, humanity has the ability to turn around, and to create Utopia  —  and right now, this is crunch time folks!

We each need to Wake Up, look within for the answers, and do our bit for humanity’s future — and Wake Up World is where our little bit begins.

Love and sparkly blessings,

Andy and Ryan

Wake Up World. It’s time to rise and shine!

Want to stay connected? Subscribe to Wake Up World’s free email newsletter!

(Source:; November 5, 2022;
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