Watch: TV station films UFO again

For the second time this summer, a television station in Buffalo, New York filmed some kind of UFO. In a segment that aired late last month, WKBW meteorologist Autumn Lewandowski highlighted the strange oddity which appeared in a time-lapse video of the city skyline. In the footage, an anomalous glowing ball can be seen hovering in the sky and then seems to dip down a bit before zipping past the camera.

In a testament to the difficulty in discerning curious objects seen in the sky, one of Lewandowski's colleagues quickly points out a second 'amazing' object in the footage, but is quickly shot down. "That's a planet," the amused meteorologist says, "you don't have to worry about that." As for the UFO, Lewandowski suggested that it could have been a drone. Considering that it appeared on a time-lapse video, this may account for why the object looked like it was moving with fantastic speed.

That said, UFO enthusiasts are not quite convinced by that explanation, observing that an enhanced look at the object shows that it has no wings or identifiable lights which would indicate that it was a drone. In something of a weird coincidence, perhaps, the UFO sighting came just a week or so after the station's outdoor camera caught another anomalous object flying over the city. What's your take on the object? Let us know at the Coast to Coast AM Facebook page.


By George Noory / Coast to Coast AM Host

George Noory, host of the nationally syndicated program, Coast to Coast AM, says if he weren’t a national radio talk show host he’d be in politics. Heard by millions of listeners, Coast To Coast AM airs on approximately 564 stations in the U.S., Canada, Mexico and Guam.

While hosting The Nighthawk, a wildly successful, late-night program on KTRS in St. Louis, Noory was recruited by Premiere Radio Networks to guest host on Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell.  He became the permanent host of the phenomenally successful over-night program on January 1, 2003, following Bell’s retirement.  Since then, Noory’s audience has continued to grow.

Noory captivates program listeners with his discussions of paranormal phenomena, time travel, alien abductions, conspiracies and all things curious and unexplained. He is driven, he has said, by the desire to solve the great mysteries of our time. From his first days as a radio broadcaster he says, “I’ve wanted to cover stories that the mainstream media never touch—the unusual, the paranormal and things like that. I learned that broadcast was the best business for exploring these issues, and I’ve been doing it for 33 years.”

(Source:; July 24, 2018;
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