Watch: Ghostly face appears in window of haunted British castle

Footage from a paranormal investigation at a purportedly haunted British castle shows the eerie moment when a ghostly face appears to be peering through a window. The creepy video was reportedly filmed by ghost hunter Stuart James during a visit to the medieval site Oxford Castle. Explaining that he and his team were "let in overnight and were the only people there" at the time of the investigation, there appeared to be at least one instance wherein they may have been joined by one of the centuries-old location's resident spirits.

In the footage (seen above), James pans across an empty room which is illuminated by his flashlight and, as he scans past darkened window, a chilling anomaly that bears an uncanny resemblance to a face can be seen seemingly looking out at him. According to the ghost hunter, the investigation was broadcast live on the internet as it was unfolding and, at some point later in the evening, he and his team reviewed some of the footage and that is when they spotted the spooky face that they had gone unnoticed at the time.

James says that the discovery prompted the group to put an end to their ghost hunt, since they were understandably unsettled by the presence they had possibly filmed. While they believe that the anomaly that appeared in the window was the spirit of someone who once resided at the castle, perhaps in the distant past when it served as a prison, skeptical observers will no doubt argue that the 'apparition' is merely a digital anomaly produced by the livestream or perhaps a trick of light and shadow. With that in mind, what do you think James filmed at the site? Share your thoughts with us at the C2C Facebook page.


By Tim Binnall / Coast to Coast AM News Editor

Tim Binnall is the news editor for the Coast to Coast AM website as well as the host of the pioneering paranormal podcast Binnall of America. For more than a decade and over the course of hundreds of BoA programs, he has interviewed a vast array of researchers, spanning a wide spectrum of paranormal genres and ranging from bonafide esoteric icons to up-and-coming future players in 'the field.' A graduate of Syracuse University, Binnall aims to maintain an outsider's perspective on the paranormal world with a distinct appreciation for its absurdities and a keen interest in the personalities and sociology of esoteric studies.

(Source:; December 6, 2022;
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