Was a triangle UFO caught on photo in 1967?

Black triangle object in photo...

Cumberauld, Scotland 1967

A friend at work has a cousin from Scotland. He shared this family photo when he was young taken in 1967.

Location was in Cumberauld, Scotland near Glasgow, Scotland. His Father took the picture of his children.

Not until two years ago he noticed this black triangle object in the photo. Today he is 57 years old and shared this with his cousin here.

He is my friend at work in Scarborough, Ontario. He then shared it to me knowing my interest to subject.

David has agreed to share his personal photo to the public from Scotland.

I believe the photo is genuine illustrating that black triangles were present even back 1967.

As you know in 1967 there was a worldwide UFO flap. This photo confirms just that year of HIGH UFO activity.

Thanks again for your interest and time into the matter.

Enjoy there my friend, Paul

A big thanks to my friend Paul Shishis in Canada.


By UFO Casebook
(Source: ufocasebook.com; September 16, 2021; https://tinyurl.com/yzvypdyp)
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