Video: Triangular UFO filmed in Texas

A woman in Texas spotted something far more fantastic than mere fireworks this past New Year's Eve when she noticed an eerie triangular formation of lights hovering in the sky. Stephanie Westerfield reportedly filmed the weird scene shortly after midnight on January 1st in the city of Jersey Village. A few days later, she posted the footage to her YouTube account and it has since been picked up by a number of channels devoted to puzzling aerial anomalies.

In Westerfield's video, three lights can be seen in the sky forming a fairly sizeable triangular shape as the sound of fireworks exploding fills the air. A young boy can be heard asking "what are those," while the witnesses watch the weird glowing orbs and presumably wonder the same thing themselves. It would certainly seem that the lights were not fireworks, since they just hover in the sky and barely move, much less burst into a colorful display.

As one can imagine, observers online have suggested that the lights could have constituted some kind of alien craft, while others have argued that they may have been the long-rumored military spy plane the TR-38. More prosaic possibilities include Chinese lanterns that were released at midnight to celebrate the New Year, which would explain how they wound up where they were in the sky at that specific time, or perhaps even a drone being used to get a unique perspective on the fiery festivities. With that in mind, what's your take on the footage? Share your thoughts with us at the Coast to Coast AM Facebook page.


By Tim Binnall / Coast to Coast AM News Editor

Tim Binnall is the news editor for the Coast to Coast AM website as well as the host of the pioneering paranormal podcast Binnall of America. For more than a decade and over the course of hundreds of BoA programs, he has interviewed a vast array of researchers, spanning a wide spectrum of paranormal genres and ranging from bonafide esoteric icons to up-and-coming future players in 'the field.' A graduate of Syracuse University, Binnall aims to maintain an outsider's perspective on the paranormal world with a distinct appreciation for its absurdities and a keen interest in the personalities and sociology of esoteric studies.

(Source:; January 7, 2020;
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