Video: Glowing cigar-shaped UFO filmed by multiple witnesses in France
A glowing cigar-shaped UFO was caught on film by multiple mystified witnesses in southern France earlier this week. According to a local media report, the intriguing incident occurred this past Tuesday evening and was seen by several people living in various communities around the city of Montpellier. Shortly after the mass sighting took place, social media in France was flooded with videos of the peculiar UFO which seemed to be rectangular in shape, emitting a powerful glow, and traveling at a rather high rate of speed while occasionally rotating. The odd object drew gasps from those who saw it and, in one instance seen above, even prompted a motorist to stop his vehicle to get out and film the wondrous sight.
The case has drawn a fair amount of media attention in France and, as of now, experts in the country have been left scratching their heads as to what the anomaly could have been, although some skeptical observers have suggested that it was either a drone or possibly some kind of secret test craft. Indicating that, when it comes to UFOs, the media in France apparently sees the subject in a manner similar to their counterparts in America, a compilation of videos captured by witnesses can be seen below, complete with the X-Files theme. What's your take on the rather remarkable mass sighting that took place earlier this week? Share your thoughts with us at the Coast to Coast AM Facebook page.