Upright wolf-like cryptid seen in East Cheyenne, Wyoming

A high school boy was driving at night in East Cheyenne, Wyoming when he encountered an upright wolf-like cryptid that quickly ran off into the dark.

I recently came across the following account:

"This occurred in 1992 when I was in my senior year of high school. I was cruising around at night in a small area where people used to go 4-wheeling, though it is now a developed area. This is in east Cheyenne, between the area known as Sun Valley and Lincoln Valley Auto Salvage.

I was driving in an easterly direction on a dirt road and saw some kind of wolf-like creature in my headlights approximately 60 yds in front of me. First thought was "coyote," but it wasn't. It seriously looked like a werewolf from the movies. I only saw it for 5-6 seconds. The thing glanced halfway at me and my lights reflected on its eyes, which were a bright yellow glow, and it ran off over a hill. Honestly, but it scared the crap out of me! I rolled up both windows and locked my doors, and started turning my truck to see if I could catch it on the headlights again. I didn't see it again, and I wasn't about to go out any farther. Like I said, I was scared, but curious!

I ended up turning around to the nearest neighborhood by a couple streetlamps, unlocked my door, and bailed out and immediately scrambled to the ground to look under the truck. Much like bailing off your bed as a kid, leaping halfway across the room and jumping down to look under the bed just to prove there is nothing really there. I still laugh about it. I had to look crazy to anyone in that neighborhood who saw me.

So, to best describe what I saw was like a standing wolf, but it was like a movie werewolf. If it had stood up completely straight, it would've been about 6 feet tall. It wasn't completely covered with hair, if any at all. I remember it had a dog-like face with the cheek tufts and shorter pointy ears, as well as a snout like a dog. Its arms were like an orangutan, and it's hind legs were shorter than human. Like I said, like a movie werewolf, except it wasn't all huge in the shoulders and neck like you see in most of the films" NM

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By Lon Strickler / Author Fortean Researcher

Publisher of the syndicated 'Phantoms and Monsters' blog - Host at 'Arcane Radio' - Spiritual Intuitive at 'Astral Perceptions Universal'

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(Source: phantomsandmonsters.com; https://tinyurl.com/y3oqj6ax)
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