Unexplained formation of objects on NASA photograph from Space Shuttle STS-100

Case File Information

Date of Event / Case File: 04/08/2001


In March of 2016, a “viral” story resurfaced about a UFO in a NASA photograph, that was mysteriously ‘deleted’ from NASA’s website.  After investigation, the original link that showed the photograph in question was broken, it is likely due to the fact that the database simply was moved. The new source, once located, verifies the photograph is still available for download.  So, the story about it being “deleted” is largely untrue.

However, what IS true, is the fact that the photograph does show an unidentified “formation” of UFOs, whatever they may be. This page was created to help make sense of a largely incorrect story being circulated.

What are we looking at?

The photograph in question, which is verified as a genuine NASA photograph, has an unexplained formation of UFOs in the frame. Above, you will find the zoomed in photograph, with no editing other than increasing the size / zooming in.

Official NASA Caption / Photograph Information

NASA Photo ID STS100-708A-48

Focal Length 110mm

Date taken 2001.04.__

Time taken GMT

Camera Tilt: High Oblique

Country or Geographic Name: EGYPT


Cloud Cover Percentage: 10 (0-10)%

Other Anomalous Objects?

Upon investigation, there are other POSSIBLE anomalous objects, in the same frame. Although potentially just satellites, space debris or photographic artifacts caused by a multitude of factors – they should be noted:

Why are these important? Let’s say the original anomalous artifact is easily explained, like a satellite or other space debris that is floating around. On Earth, a long exposure of a moving object results in a long streak of light, vs. what appears to be multiple lights. Let’s just say this photograph was the result of multiple photos laid on top of each other, to bring out detail (which sometimes, NASA does of other planetary objects) well, these additional object prove that there is no movement on the camera, long exposure or multiple photos laid on top of each other. Because, if any of the aforementioned were true, you’d have the same effect on all of these, as you did the original object we are zooming in on.

Original NASA Source

As of March 12, 2016, you can obtain the high resolution photograph at this URL: http://eol.jsc.nasa.gov/SearchPhotos/photo.pl?mission=STS100&roll=708A&frame=48

High Resolution

This is the highest known resolution of this photograph. Simply click on the following image for the full size 2063 × 2048:


By John Greenewald Jr / The Black Vault

In 1996, John Greenewald, Jr. began researching the secret inner workings of the U.S. Government at the young age of fifteen. He targeted such groups as the CIA, FBI, Pentagon, Air Force, Army, Navy, NSA, DIA, and countless others. Greenewald utilized the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to gain access to thousands of records. He accumulated an astonishing number of documents on topics related to UFOs, the JFK Assassination, chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons, and top secret aircraft. Time elapsed, and Greenewald's online archive became known globally as "The Black Vault." His teenage project turned into the largest private online collection anywhere in the world, totaling nearly 1.5 million pages of material. At the age of twenty-one, Greenewald published his first book, Beyond UFO Secrecy, in 2002. It was later put into a second expanded edition, and was re-published by Galde Press in January, 2008.

Have you seen a UFO or experienced something strange? The Black Vault worldwide team wishes to help investigate experiences just like yours. For more please go to: theblackvault.com

(Source: theblackvault.com; March 12, 2016; http://www.theblackvault.com/casefiles/?p=2340)
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