Ufology and the Collins Elite

The “Extraterrestrial Hypothesis” (ETH) theorizes that UFOs are spaceships from other planets with a technology so advanced that it can be indistinguishable from magick.

Since its inception in the 1940’s, modern Ufology has been beset by various ideas and opinions about what UFOs are, where they originate and who (or what) they contain. According to the most commonly accepted belief, UFOs are extraterrestrial spacecraft originating in far-off star systems that visit our planet for a whole host of reasons. Some of the reasons are entirely altruistic and benign and some considerably less so, but at the core of this particular subset of opinion called the extra terrestrial hypothesis (ETH), lies the conviction that all UFOs, irrespective of their point of origin, are nuts and bolts machines piloted by beings that seem to be more or less humanoid in appearance. This is fair enough, but seems to largely ignore many other aspects of the phenomenon. For example: these objects (and their assumed occupants) appear and disappear at will, pass through solid walls, can manifest to individuals in a group yet remain invisible to other group members and a whole host of other attributes that seem to owe more to ghosts and other spiritual beings than anything else.

However, those who subscribe to the ETH claim that this is due to vastly superior technology rather than any paranormal attributes: and that said it is arguable that any display of some aspects of an unfamiliar technology (as the late Arthur C Clarke rightly pointed out) might well be viewed as either paranormal or even magick. On the other hand there are a small number of groups who, as we shall see, insist, rightly or wrongly, that UFOs and their occupants are not physical in any accepted sense at all, but are in fact manifestations of Satan and his minions. The purpose of these UFOs is the ultimate perdition (spiritual ruin) of the human race and those who promote this concept claim that their ideas stem from what they believe is the ultimate source of all truth, i.e. the Holy Bible, which they quote to substantiate their claims.

The book of Enoch describes “The Watchers”, a group of angels sent to Earth to watch over humans. 200 of those angels committed transgression by having sex with humans, creating a hybrid race of giants called the Nephilim.

This also ties into the supposed corruption of the human race eons ago by fallen angels (more ET’s perhaps)? as mentioned in Genesis 6:4; Jude 1:6 and then progresses into the future and the endtimes. Once we go down this route we encounter a race of ancient hybrids, i.e. the ‘Nephilim’ who were allegedly the mutant offspring of human women and the fallen angels. It is thought that these are the giants mentioned in the bible. This is the mindset that also readily embraces concepts such as the machinations of the New World Order (NWO) and the Illuminati, as with the UFO phenomenon in general it is open season for any idea one wishes to attach to it.

In addition there is an even less well known schism of belief from a similar source, saying that UFOs, while still spiritual, are created and crewed by angels, so you pretty much pays your money and takes your choice. From this it is obvious that, while UFOs and Ufology may be relatively marginalised belief systems, there is sufficient scope within them for various strands of belief to grow and develop. I say this because based on what we have just seen; some years ago I was in conversation (via a medium) with an entity that claimed to be extraterrestrial and said it came from where, quote, ‘souls were created’.

There is not a great deal one can say to that, except that having worked with this particular medium during many investigations I had faith in her abilities; so despite some reservations far be it for me to pass judgment. Besides, there is always the nagging doubt that this entity, whatever it was, was not necessarily telling the truth and this is something that has previously been commented on by other serious and open-minded UFO researchers. I say this because within the UFO community there is a surprisingly high level of intolerance to any thoughts or opinions that fail to stay within the narrow ETH mindset.

The Intelligence Agenda

Starting in 2008, the Pentagon quietly set up a $22 million program to investigate reports of UFOs.

Although officially denied, ridiculed and rejected by most governments and intelligence agencies, this ridicule conceals a very deep rooted concern that UFOs and what they represent may in fact have more basis in reality than they care to admit. This has been seen in the various governmental attempts to prove or disprove the phenomena one way or another, especially in the USA. In the USA, projects like ‘Grudge’ and ‘Blue Book’, the formation of the Robertson Panel and the Condon Report etc, etc are all examples of this and it has been argued that what emerged from these groups was nothing more than propaganda using disinformation, misinformation, spin and barefaced lies. Even the much vaunted book, the so-called ‘smoking gun’, i.e. The Day After Roswell, is a prime example of this bare-faced subterfuge. Government files on the UFO enigma continue to surface, one of the more recent examples was the release of formerly classified information from the UK intelligence services in the Ministry of Defence (MOD), but nowhere in the files is there any evidence that they are extraterrestrial. Even stonewall cases like the Rendlesham Forest incident of the 1980’s despite the witness evidence being pretty much positive and overwhelming are brushed off using varying specious excuses.

All that these reports were able to say was, officially at least and despite the fact that the intelligence agencies regularly used Ufology as a screen to conceal their own agendas, there was no truth in any of it and the UFO phenomenon lay entirely in the minds of the general public. It was founded on little more than overactive imaginations and mistaken identity compounded with a desire for some mystery and intrigue. It is possible that some of this subterfuge might have stemmed from a real fear that to admit that we really were visited by non-human races originating outside our solar system might create widespread fear, panic and civil disorder. It is also likely to have caused many people to question the authority and moral certainty of the churches, something that would serve to further exacerbate an increasingly unstable situation.

The Collins Elite Emerges

However, despite the artifice and denials there is the nagging suspicion that their investigations revealed that at least some UFOs might be genuine and this knowledge could somehow be harnessed for military advantage. This is probably true, because given the ultra-pragmatic way in which intelligence agencies operate (especially the CIA), obtaining anything they think will be of use to their country militarily becomes imperative, so how and where they obtain this information is secondary to the methods used; i.e. the end invariably justifies the means. Since any information would have to be properly evaluated, monitored and thought through in a dispassionate manner, a steering group was formed comprising representatives of all interested parties.

In the USA, since all branches of the military plus the Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA) were obviously involved anyway, it was a relatively simple matter to draft in representatives under the stewardship of, initially, the FBI then the omnipresent CIA and eventually perhaps the NSA as well. This semi-official subgroup which was created in July 1952 allegedly became nicknamed by those involved, ‘The Collins Elite’. Although it starting out evaluating the threat of UFOs as one based on actual machines, given the makeup and views held by some influential members of this group, this changed dramatically and the first question to ask is how much truth is in what they said and could the CIA have accepted this and allowed it to develop?

Attitudes Harden

According to a book, Final Events, written by author and researcher Nick Redfern, a British citizen currently residing in the USA, the answer is yes, they could. For many years the CIA was not only out of control, it was beyond control and functioned more or less autonomously as a separate government that was a law entirely unto itself, something greatly helped by its lavish and often unaccountable funding. Even their notional boss, the President of the USA, had no idea what was going on and given some of the shady and frequently murderous operations they instigated and sometimes funded, this was probably just as well; it is a process called ‘plausible deniability’, a term first used by the CIA during the Kennedy administration. Regarding the way in which the CIA operated, it has been stated that when Area 51 was first created it was handed to the CIA to operate rather than the Navy or the Air Force and in 1958 the then President Dwight D. Eisenhower, who had made the mistake of allowing the base to function without Presidential oversight, was flatly denied both access to the base and information regarding what was going on there. In retaliation the President promptly threatened to send in an army group from Colorado to dismantle the place. In response to this tactic he was grudgingly given the information he requested, but he never did wrest control of the base back from the CIA.

It has been suggested that the UFO phenomena could be supernatural and/or demonic instead of nuts and bolts spaceships from other planets.

Redfern goes on to state that the findings of the Collins Elite strongly infer that the ET presence was not just the result of visits by nuts and bolts flying machines and their occupants, instead it was probably demonic/satanic nature instead. In fact it went as far as say categorically that there was never any contact between extraterrestrials and humans, it has always been supernatural and/or demonic. We should remember that this covert unit, although it started out with a fairly specific remit, rapidly became increasingly influenced by some of its more single-minded members who may themselves have been implementing an agenda directed from outside the group.

Strangely enough this opinion chimes with comments made by the late ethno-botanist and psychonaught Dr. Terence McKenna, who once said that, ‘We are part of a symbiotic relationship with something which disguises itself as an extra-terrestrial invasion so as not to alarm us.’ He never did elaborate on what he meant by that, but it probably refers to the entities, sometimes called ‘machine-elves’ frequently seen by people who use substances like dimethyltryptamine (DMT) the active ingredient of the traditional and powerful hallucinogen Ayahuasca. This would certainly fit with the observations made by members of The Collins Elite and this kind of thinking is surprisingly common in some areas of the UFO community who see the phenomenon as more akin to the occult that anything physical.

It is a view also shared by members of the fundamentalist Christian right-wing of American politics and in some cases they have claimed that UFOs were piloted, not by demons, but by angels as an adjunct to the much prophesied ‘end times’. However, the astute observation made by Dr McKenna fits exactly with a statement allegedly made by The Collins Elite to the effect that, “We have in our midst a cold-hearted and sinister intelligence of demonic origins that masquerades as alien.” Although the wording is slightly different, the meaning is identical. Before we examine The Collins Elite in a little more detail, we should consider some of the background and this involves looking at other, less well-known projects undertaken by the CIA and the other US intelligence agencies.

As well as investigating the possibility that the earth was being visited more or less at will by non-human entities, they were also extremely interested in highly controversial occult experiments being carried out by an pioneering rocket scientist and co-founder of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) Jack Parsons and Ron Hubbard in the days before Hubbard decided to make money by inventing the cultish quasi-religion of Scientology. Hubbard spent the last years of his life on the run, keeping the US Internal Revenue Service (IRS) off his back. The IRS wanted the tax due on the money in the Scientology bank accounts. However Hubbard, who considered his creation a religion, would not pay it. Eventually the Scientologists, after the death of Hubbard and now being run by David Miscavige, managed to effectively blackmail the IRS into granting them religious status allowing them to avoid paying tax.

The Connection with Magick

The Ahnenerbe Symbol.

In a way this unlikely connection between the military and magick is not all that surprising and resonates with claims made a couple of decades earlier about the Nazi High Command during the Second World War and the possibility that they too were involved in magical rituals based on esoteric research into the origins of the Aryan race conducted by covert, quasi-scientific groups like the Ahnenerbe, which was founded in 1935 by SS chief Heinrich Himmler and others. Whether or not any of this information was used as part of the Nazi master-plan for victory in WWII is open to debate, but there is no doubt that Himmler et all did have some really bizarre ideas about how this knowledge might be ‘weaponised’.

This ties into similar claims made in the book, The Spear of Destiny by Trevor Ravenscroft, an extremely controversial publication first released in 1972, that the lance that pierced the side of Christ on the cross in St John’s account of the crucifixion, was eventually appropriated by Adolph Hitler in an attempt to use its supposed immense latent power using some unspecified method, in his plan for world domination. It may be that given the reputation of the spear just having it in his possession might enable his scheme, however according to the legend losing the spear resulted in the death of whoever had it, something that seems to have been fulfilled when Hitler finally shot himself in the head with a pistol.

Under the influence of both mescaline and hashish, Aleister Crowley conducted an ancient ritual and encountered a creature that called itself Lam.

In the case of the aforementioned Parsons and Hubbard, in 1946/47 they attempted to create a magickal dimensional portal to allow a divine feminine archetype, in fact the goddess Babylon, access to our reality. Other opinions hold that it was not any goddess, but some kind of demonic child. They did this using the ‘Babalon Working’, which was a variation on a ritual that had been attempted nearly fifty years previously by the noted late Victorian British occultist and eccentric Aleister Crowley, when he used a ritual called the Alamantra Working. It may be relevant that Crowley manifested an entity he called ‘Lam’ while undertaking this project (he drew a picture of it) and there is no question that Lam looks remarkably like an alien ‘Grey’ and it was after this that these (and other) beings started to be seen on a regular basis when alleged contact with ET’s took place.

Crowley was well aware of what the two men were attempting and warned Parsons about his deep mistrust of Hubbard and his motives; something that proved remarkably prescient when Hubbard absconded shortly after with a large sum of cash taken from the bank account he shared with Parsons, plus Parson’s current mistress in tow. Unsurprisingly, Scientologists fail to find room to mention any of this in their sickly hagiographies of Hubbard. In fact Crowley had a great fondness for Parsons, who he regarded as a kind of standard-bearer of his brand of magick, it would be closer to the truth to say that he thought of Jack Parsons as the son he never had. In a strange example of possible synchronicity, Parsons died at home in 1952 when a mysterious explosion in his garage ended his life. It has been suggested that the explosion was due to his experiments with highly volatile chemicals involved in making rocket fuel, (this was after all what he did for a living) either that or, as has also been implied, he was trying to create a ‘homunculus’ or artificial being and his experiments went badly wrong, either way he died.

Is Any of This Feasible?

Again we should pause to consider whether or not any of this is feasible, because if fractures in the nature of reality can be brought about by the use of words, symbols and rituals, this may find a resonance with the arcane symbols and formulae used by quantum physicists in the present day. Examples of this can be found in the laboratories where such strange, albeit cutting edge experiments are carried out, because it has been found that what the participants in these experiments think about what is being attempted can directly affect the outcome. It’s called the ‘observer effect’ and much to the chagrin of the hard-line rationalists it is proven to occur and there is no obvious answer why, or at least not one that they find acceptable.

This by any measure indicates that the ‘observer effect’ is a form of magick, the very thing that physicists would reject out of hand, but how else to explain it? Actually Aleister Crowley seems to have summed this up pretty well several decades earlier when he defined magick as “The Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will”, in effect the ability to edit reality. Once again it seems surprising that the intelligence agencies should involve themselves in such arcane practices, because one would imagine that as the hard headed realists they have to be they would dismiss this as sheer fantasy, but not so.

Is it possible that factions within military and intelligence agencies were/are involved with occult and magical practices that contacted entities from beyond this reality?

One can easily cite the ‘Stargate Project’ which involved, among other things, remote viewing and other psychically inspired attempts to gain an advantage over a perceived enemy as examples of the lengths they will go to. However, it is at this point we find ourselves slipping into other parallel claims of mind-bending experiments allegedly conducted at places like Montauk and we have to be careful before dismissing this as sheer conjecture and nonsense, if, for no other reason than there was a military base at Montauk and its remains are still to there to this day and, some people say, also the unintentional remnants and residue of the experiments supposedly conducted there. These experiments seem to interlink closely with certain occult and magical practices involving time-travel amongst other claims and contact with entities that did not originate in this reality. So, how does the Collins Elite tie into this?

If we consider that this group was set up to see if any military advantage could be gleaned from contact with extraterrestrials and came to the conclusion that these entities were not ET but demonic, we can also assume that they were prepared to do whatever it took to make this work. Among the projects bordering on the magickal being undertaken was the development of such devices as ‘psychotronic weapons’, which could allow the remote influencing of how individuals operate and think, plus a range of other technologies that at first sight seem impossible. By our standards they are and that includes various spin-offs from work already being conducted on other types of electromagnetic weapons, but once you enter into the dark world of magick then literally anything becomes possible. As an adjunct to this, there was another sinister CIA funded mind control project called MK-OFTEN (an adjunct to the better known and equally notorious MK-ULTRA). For MK-OFTEN, the CIA employed the services of Satanists, witches, psychics and other occultists as part of their efforts in MK-ULTRA at establishing a reliable and effective method of mind control. This being the case then it is entirely feasible that they would plumb any depths in their search for a military advantage.

The Vatican

The Catholic church has been pondering over whether there are more technologically and intellectually advanced sentient beings elsewhere in the universe.

As if this was not enough, there are claims by Catholic researchers that the Vatican has, or at least had, plans afoot to prepare its flock for the arrival of an extraterrestrial saviour, which seems to resonate with the idea that Jesus was an ET. Again we have this odd, synchronistic link between aliens and angels and the notion that the human race is the result of extraterrestrial DNA splicing. It seems logical that an organisation as powerful and influential as the Vatican must have some sort of plan in place to deal with the possibility that if there is life on other planets and that life has no concept of a creator God, what happens then? It has been seriously mooted by the Curia that in that case it is the duty of the Church to make them aware of God and bring them salvation: good luck with that. Again, much of this, although it may have elements of fact, is also based on hearsay. It’s rather like the so-called ‘evidence’ for the reality of UFOs and especially secret underground bases that comes from ‘high ranking’, but almost always unnamed service personnel who dare not reveal their identities for fear of deadly reprisals.

This evidence might as well not be quoted for it cannot be checked; in truth it is evidence of nothing except speculation, but for now that will have to do. However it is a fact that Pope John Paul on the 23rd of October, 1996, while speaking to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences plenary session at the Vatican, stated that Darwin’s Theory of Evolution was a reality and in doing so reduced the biblical accounts of how we got here to nothing more than myth. How this will play out in the years to come will remain to be seen, but as a word of caution; according to the prophecies of the Irish St Malachi the Pope coming after Pope Benedict i.e. Pope Francis, will be the last one and what comes after that is anyone’s guess, but according to Malachi it is the ‘end times’…again!

From what we have seen it may be likely that the Collins Elite is real and still exists and their task was to monitor any attempts at making contact with whatever exists on the other side of reality, be it extraterrestrial, ultra-dimensional, supernatural or whatever form it takes. If that is the case then they would have been extremely interested in what the likes of Jack Parsons and Ron Hubbard (and others) were trying to do. As already stated, it would have mattered naught where this information came from or how it was obtained, as long as they could harness and make effective use of it. One of the papers purportedly coming from this group was entitled ‘Deception and UFOs: What we Believe and Why’ emerged in 1998 and in it there is a distillation of their findings since their inception in 1952. What is basically says is that the earth is being prepared for Armageddon and that human beings are little more that containers for souls that can be harvested in the service of Satan. The only way to salvation is, apparently, to embrace Christ as your redeemer and all will be well.

One of the strangest aspects of what came under their oversight was the possibility that a project was underway driven by these non-humans to create hybrids of humans and aliens to serve the antichrist and Satan during the endtimes, the time of Armageddon in fact. Never forget that fundamentalist Christians we encountered earlier fully believe this, along with the ‘rapture’, can and will happen and even the ultra-rational realm of science has its fair share of them. So yes, the Collins Elite probably are real, and seem to be still in existence, for in the murky world of intelligence gathering anything that works, however distasteful can and will be used, although this knowledge is seldom on public display; it is how ‘black projects’ work. Time as always will tell.

Authors note: Although the information contained in this article can be applied worldwide, for the sake of brevity I have for the most part concentrated on what has emerged from the USA. Therefore, bearing this in mind I have confined my observations to what is acknowledged by many researchers as being at least within the realms of what is possible, you have to, because one you start to go down this extremely slippery rabbit hole, all sorts of unexpected side avenues open up and some of them are probably best left unexplored.

I am reminded of a saying by the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, ‘Battle not with monsters lest ye become a monster and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you’, the emphasis is mine, and believe me the subject of Ufology is indeed a deep, dark abyss and once you start looking, and I do mean really looking, the psychological fallout can be genuinely unsettling and have terrifying spiritual connections.

A word of warning though, keep in mind some of what follows is derived from fundamentalist thinking and theology, which tends to base its opinions on a fairly unique interpretation of scripture. I would like to express my thanks to Tim Green Beckley and Tim Schwartz from Conspiracy Journal and also John J. Ventre the multi-state director of MUFON, for their help and suggestions in preparing this article. As a final comment, please be aware that I wrote this very recently after coming across a new piece in the UFO jigsaw and I have no views or opinions one way or another on what follows. I have written it based on the information to hand and I have supplied sources that anyone who is interested can follow up and make their own judgment on whether it is valid or not.


By Milton Grover / Freelance Columnist
(Source: spectralvision.wordpress.com; January 21, 2018; https://wp.me/p5jrUJ-rO)
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