UFO vehicle interference outback Queensland

In 1988 I interviewed a woman who had lived in a small Queensland country town in her youth. In 1974 she bought herself a Ford Fairlane V8 sedan and was driving on the highway in the early evening back to her hometown, but she wasn’t alone. A diamond shaped, rainbow coloured UFO began pacing her car, only one metre distance from the driver side of her vehicle while she was driving at 100km/hr. The UFO would elongate horizontally to the length of her car, then become thin but elongate vertically to the height of the power poles on the side of the road. This went on for some time.

Soon she found bright, pretty, soft blue, pea-sized lights appearing around her limbs and torso, and when she looked in the rear view mirror she could see they were around her head too. (Other witnesses have told me this on occasion too, but it’s not commonly reported). She became extremely frightened and sped home to her parents who were still working in their town store. Her mother knew immediately that something had happened because her daughter was “as white as a ghost”.

In the days following the incident her car began doing strange things. It would start itself and slowly drive into parked vehicles in front of it. On another occasion she had pulled in for petrol at the local garage, gone inside to pay with the keys in her pocket, and saw her car move off from where she had left it parked. Her car would take off from a parked position without her in it on so many occasions that it actually became the town joke and she the brunt of the joke, which embarrassed her immensely.

Source: Witness report to Sheryl Gottschall


By Strange Encounters Downunder / Sheryl Gottschall

Sheryl has had a life-long interest in the paranormal and began studying the phenomenon of NDEs in 1980. In 1988 Sheryl’s interest in extra-terrestrial life led her to join the Brisbane based organisation, UFO Research Queensland. In 2012 she also established the Afterlife Discussions group which meets monthly. Sheryl’s research bridges the Afterlife and the UFO phenomenon, and looking more deeply at these connections led her to shamanism which she now teaches. She has had many paranormal experiences herself including an NDE, a bi-location experience, OBEs, UFO sightings, a close encounter with ETs, poltergeist activity, automatic writing, and other unexplained phenomena; all of which propel her to continue on her quest to understand what it means to be human.

(Source: facebook.com; November 14, 2020; https://tinyurl.com/y3w52c7r)
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