UFO miraculously splits in sky above Dubai and multiplies in ‘incredible’ discovery

A UFO site have shared 'fascinating' footage of what appears to be a UFO flying above Dubai - the video has sparked theories about whether aliens have settled down near to the city

A UFO has been spotted flying over the sky in Dubai and seemed to multiply while continuing to travel at steady speed.

In eyewitness footage uploaded online, the mysterious object can be seen soaring above Jumeirah Beach Residence as it is divided into at least two UFOs.

The fascinating video has since prompted conspiracy theorists to share their thoughts with one claiming that there are “ancient alien civilizations” living near Dubai.

Scott C. Waring from UFO Sightings Daily posted the footage from @metefb907 on Twitter and shared it onto his YouTube channel which boasts 61.3K subscribers.

He stated it was filmed on Tuesday (March 22) and said: “This UFO was burning up like fire but it’s not falling, but travelling at a normal horizontal angle.

The footage shocked the internet (Image: UFO Sightings Daily/YOUTUBE)

“It doesn’t look like space junk or a meteor. It’s a UFO! What’s really cool is it breaks perfectly into two different crafts as it’s travelling above Dubai.

“[This is] 100% proof that aliens are looking after Dubai and protecting it. I bet some of those there are a lot of aliens who disguise themselves as princes in Dubai…to hide the wealth they accumulate.

“It would explain a lot about how the wealth was accumulated so fast so easily and in such massive amounts.”

Scott, who is known for his outlandish theories, received comments of praise for helping share the “incredible” find but also was questioned on whether it was actually a UFO.

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One user said: “Yes they do this, their technology is incredible.”

While another commented: “This was really fascinating incredible how the UFO split neatly into two they are really clever aren’t they?”

But a third person suggested that it could just be a “standard meteor”.

The user said: “Yeah, in my opinion, it was just that – a standard meteor that developed a thermal crack, thus splitting it in two, as opposed to meteors that are observed exploding into separate projectiles because they hit a layer of much denser air that causes the breakup.

“I will admit that the split is very even, uncannily so.”


By The Teller / JNews Contributor
(Source: copshop.info; September 23, 2022; https://tinyurl.com/2pjrfcln)
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