UAP the phenomena-technology

After I announced on Facebook that I would be writing a new newspaper column, I was deluged with every sort of suggestion of what to write about. Some ideas were on point, some weren’t, and some are very deep down the UAP topic rabbit hole! I’ve adopted the guiding principle of staying somewhat in the middle of the road on the overall topic. Not too deep into presumed UAP technology, and I tend to stay away from conspiracy theories.

Mind you, as a trained mystic, I’d be delighted to go deep into the whole metaphysical consciousness aspect of the UAP phenomena but I’ll save that mystical WooWoo discussion for a future column.

The UAP topic matter is not just about advanced technology built by Non-Human-Intelligences. Let’s take a moment and consider the scale of Non-Human-Intelligences (NHI) visiting our world. The flat-out fact is there is evidence that beings from “other realities” have been visiting Earth for many millennia. UAP research colleague, retired USAF Col. John Alexander once remarked to me, “There have been reports of contact between humans and sentient non-humans throughout the entirety of human history. That they float in on little metal cans is a fairly new wrinkle."

Please note that I said, “other realities.” To quote pioneer physicist Werner Heisenberg: “The Universe is Stranger than we Think, and Stranger, than we Can, Think!” A lot of people simply assume we’re talking about Non-Human-Intelligences visiting us from other planets. But the term “other planets” doesn’t begin to describe the “other realities” we might be dealing with on a grand scale.

The usual, knee-jerk response I frequently get from science academics from every level of education and many news directors from the popular media is simply, “They can’t get here from across the astronomical distances in the time required to do so. The laws of physics are absolute.”

OK, let’s do a reality check about physics. Toward the end of the 19th century, physicists thought they had physics all figured out. Then in 1897, the electron was discovered and that gave birth to particle physics.

Also, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, there were a series of experimental observations of atoms that didn't make intuitive sense in the context of classical physics. Then in 1924 a German scientist at the University of Göttingen, Max Born published a paper "Zur Quantenmechanik" (On Quantum Mechanics).

Quantum physics is one of the quirkiest phenomena known to us but it’s also the most confirmed. So, from my perspective, I simply tell the critics, what new physics does ET/NHI know about that we humans don’t know or don’t understand yet?

For example, another UAP research colleague of mine, Marc Dantonio, a professional astronomer told me about a recent discovery and literature coming out of The European Organization for Nuclear Research, known as CERN.

A particle has been discovered called the Kaluza Klein gravitons or KK gravitons that theoretically could allow us to accomplish “dimensional travel.” The short explanation; in OUR dimension we travel in X, Y and Z and move through time.

Using the KK gravitons, theoretically, we may be able to move into a fifth dimension known in physics as “The Bulk.” In The Bulk, the universe is warped more and more, the deeper we move within it. That warpage SHRINKS the Universe.

For example: If we wanted to go to Alpha Centauri, five light years away. A 20-minute drive deep within “The Bulk” would get us there. We aren’t traveling at incredible velocities. Rather we would be punching out of our Earthly location in fourth-dimensional space and punching back into fourth-dimensional space at Alpha Centauri! For decades, UAP sighting witnesses have reported the UAPs as jumping around literally “winking in at one place in the sky and winking out, only to reappear in another spot in the sky.”

Current research regarding Kaluza Klein gravitons strongly suggests this possibility. Interestingly, the classic circular shape of a Flying Saucer is a hint as to how ET/NHI may have been doing it! These craft literally have “no propulsion” as we conceive it. The craft literally shifts their presence from one point in space-time to another.

This is all based on the original research work by Robert Schroeder who is an aeronautical engineer. A number of physicists are on board with this proposed theory. But keep in mind that exploratory experimental physics is typically a long journey to practical application.

But “Holy Captain Kirk!” Are we Earth humans on the brink of effectively possessing the ability to go where we wish in the cosmos? Perhaps that is why ET/NHI are here in hugely greater numbers than two decades ago and seem to be forcing our human leadership to come clean and give humanity full disclosure and perhaps first contact? We will continue the UAP phenomena discussion with a chat about UAPs and consciousness in another column.

Cheryl Costa is not a UAP reporting service. If you have a UAP sighting to report, you are encouraged to report what you see to: or Both services respect confidentiality. Cheryl Costa welcomes news tips and story ideas. She can be reached at [email protected]. The views expressed in this column are those of the author.


By Cheryl Costa / Independent UFO Researcher

Cheryl Costa is a native and resident of upstate New York. She is a two-service military veteran USAF & USN and a retired professional from the aerospace industry. Cheryl also wrote the wildly popular UFO column “New York Skies” for Syracuse New Times newspaper (2013-2019). She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the State University of New York at Empire State College in Entertainment Writing and Production. She has been a speaker at the International UFO Congress and the MUFON Symposium and many other UFO conferences. Cheryl and her wife Linda are UFO statisticians and have compiled the eye-opening statistical models of the UFO sighting phenomena in the United States and over 3000 counties.

(Source:; September 24, 2023;
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