Triangle craft sightings continue: TR-3B latest report from Brownwood

January 4th, 2016 at 8:52 PM, Brownwood. Triangle craft hovering low and silently.

Another triangle craft has been spotted in Texas, this time in Brownwood. The witness  saw the craft hovering low in the sky, and believes it was a TR-3B craft, a top-secret military craft that has been rumored to exist for decades. Triangle crafts like this one are getting spotted all over Texas and the United States right now. Read the witness testimony  submitted to MUFON (case 81339).

Witness describes UFO as resembling the famously rumored TR3b top-secret military craft.

Eyewitness account:

"Me and my daughter were coming home from church when we saw what at first looked like a drone at around 8:50 pm I looked up and saw it was close to the ground, around 300 to 500 ft high, as we concentrated on the "drone" that's when we noticed it was triangle shape and had three lights in the three corners of the triangle we slowed down and got a good look, it appeared to be hovering and flying slowly towards Brownwood, then all of a sudden it was about seven miles away over bangs  TX we could no longer see the triangle just the lights, I know it was a tr3b just don't know what model, some I have seen on internet have a big a light in the middle section we only saw the lights in the three corners, thought I would never see one first hand but it was awesome and my daughter is a believer also wow."


By Jane Kyle / UFO Researcher

Jane Kyle is the UFO researcher and writer behind TexasUFOs, having documented over 1,000 local and worldwide UFO sightings since beginning the site in 2012. With a journalism degree from the University of Texas at Austin, a 10-year career in freelance writing (film, travel, and fashion among other topics) and online marketing, and an addiction to exploring the unknown, she offers up a unique perspective on the subject matter. Jane lives with her husband, son, three dogs, and cat(!) in her home state of Texas, and is definitely not an alien hybrid.

Follow UFOJane and GLURP the Alien in search for the truth about UFOs and aliens...and also catch up with them them on "The Weird UFO Show!"

(Source:; January 7, 2017;
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