Three low level glowing spheres nearly strike car near Smithfield, Pennsylvania
Three Low Level Glowing Spheres Nearly Strike Car Near Smithfield, Pennsylvania-September 18, 2024
UFO/UAP activity continues to be reported from various areas of Pennsylvania during September. During more recent years, reports of small, low level, balls of light and sometimes referred to as orbs, have increased and are continuing to be reported from widespread locations. Some of these cases have taken place during daylight, within feet of observers and in good weather conditions. There are other incidents that are more startling such as these “mini-UFOs” appearing inside of homes, and in some cases physiological effects have been reported.
Over the years I have received daylight reports of these smaller objects pacing vehicles and even entering the vehicles at times. Encounters with these smaller objects continue to be reported this year. The following is a recent report that was forwarded to me by my research associate Jim Brown who lives in Fayette County. Jim is a serious science minded researcher who has investigated many unusual incident in that area. Fayette County has been historically active for years with accounts of detailed UFO/UAP sightings and cryptid encounters, specially along locations near the Chestnut Ridge.
This incident interestingly took place in the same area of Route 119 near Smithfield, where the July 2, 2024, daylight UFO/UAP encounter took place. Two Vehicles Stall On Pennsylvania Highway As Cylindrical UFO Passes Low Overhead (July 2, 2024) – Stan Gordon’s UFO Anomalies Zone
The following is the summary of Jim Brown’s report:
Weather: Clear, Temperature in the low 70s. Winds Calm.
Time: 7:30 PM About 45 minutes after sunset local time.
9-20-2024 I was contacted by the witness (Name Withheld) who saw three balls of light cross her path of travel along Route 119 just south of Smithfield. She was driving northbound on 119 when suddenly the three objects appeared from the left side of the road and moved across her path of travel at about hood-height. She said she would have likely hit them had she not slammed on her brakes.
She stated the three balls moved in a straight line with just a few feet between them across the road and into the field below on her right. Each sphere was white, and about twelve inches in diameter. The entire event only lasted for a second or two and they were gone. No other details were observed. She stated they were just there; she could not say where they came from nor where they went when they entered the field and were gone.
I should point out this is the same area where the cylindrical object was sighted back in July.
The witness was driving a two year old vehicle, and I asked about any effects to her car, she said none. The car continued to run normally. Her lights were on and continued to burn normally. She was certain the balls of light were not any reflection on her windows. The angles of the glass would not match up to any light source at the location, so that explanation was considered and ruled out.
I did a phone interview with the witness and found nothing that raised any doubts in her story as she related it. She had no real interest in UFOs, etc. prior to this. I could find no preconceptions or other reason she is fabricating the report. Thus, I concluded she was giving a truthful account and relating the story as she experienced it. She was unaware of the earlier case file at this location until I mentioned it in the course of the interview. She does not know either of the witnesses in that case, nor has had any contact with them.