The review of Skinwalker Ranch with Brandon Fugal

Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, good day, and aloha! UCR is your home for credible news reviews and commentary on everything UAPs and UFOs! Your Host, Luis Jimenez, with co-host Rather B. Squidding and Jane Kyle, go LIVE every Thursday at 5 PM PDT! Come aboard. Let's get weird!

Today, we review the bonus episode of History Channel's hottest show, "The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch," with Rather B, Squididing, Jane Kyle, Jazz Shaw, and special guest Brandon Fugal!


By The Unidentified Celebrity Review

Luis Jimenez, Michael Mataluni, Jane Kyle, and Rather B. Squidding host The Unidentified Celebrity Review airs live Mondays and Wednesdays at 4 p.m. PST and Fridays at 1 p.m. U.C.R. is a one-stop-shop for information on U.A.P.s (unidentified aerial phenomena) and U.F.O.s (unidentified flying objects).

(Source:; July 21, 2022;
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