The consciousness connection: Incident at Skinwalker Ranch as described by Colm Kelleher supports the Virtual Experience Model
Colm Kelleher Ph.D. was interviewed this year by UFO investigator/filmmaker Jeremy Corbell on his YouTube Channel “Weaponized.” Investigative reporter George Knapp was also present during this 90-minute discussion that covered many of the astounding paranormal events occurring on the Skinwalker Ranch. Dr. Keheller was part of billionaire Robert Bigelow’s two-decade investigation of the ranch. In that capacity Keheller served as a Project Manager for the Pentagon’s 22-million-dollar study tasked with a threat analysis of UFOs.
I found the entire interview highly informative. During the last few minutes of the interview, Kelleher’s description of one incident particularly drew my attention. He described a High Strangeness aspect of a UFO sighting in which six observers using night vision glasses reportedly, “saw completely different things.” From the way the event was conveyed, it should not be attributed to the variability between observations of multiple witnesses. Instead, the professional UFO researcher clearly suggested that it was a manifestation of how UFOintelligences are targeting human consciousness.
For the last two decades I have promoted what I call “The Virtual Experience Model” for analyzing UFO Close Encounters. This hypothesis outlines the ways in which flying saucer intelligences employ illusions as mechanisms of contact. The first two categories (VE-1, Type A & B) can be described as “Virtual Sightings.”
1.Virtual Experience of the First Kind, (VE-1)
1a. Hologram like projections that can be photographed and seen by all present.
1b. A visual display created by directly stimulate the sensory apparatus of the experiencer, either into the retina or possibly focusing on occipital cortex where visual data is organized for perception. This type of visual display will only appear to those targeted. In situations where multiple observers are present, some may “see” the visual display, others not targeted will not.
This mechanism may also account for witnesses perceiving “completely different things” as in the case described by Dr. Kelleher. As the result of the sighting being a co-creation between the non-human intelligences and the individual targeted, different images occasionally might be perceived in multiply witnessed events. We can only guess about the nature of UFO intelligences’ consciousness-based technology that might be causing the dramatically different descriptions of the visual displays perceived during UFO sightings.
The “Weaponized” interview with Jeremy Corbell, Dr. Kelleher and George Knapp can be viewed at:
For those wishing to see Colm Keheller describing this High Strangeness Event, the pertinent segment of show was from 1 hr,23min. & 13 seconds, going to 1hr 25 min. & 6 seconds. The transcript below is edited for readability.
Dr. Colm Kelleher: I feel that maybe one of the agendas is human consciousness. An interaction with UFOs may provoke changes in human consciousness. We are back to the original discussion point. One of the incidents that happened on the Skinwalker ranch is emblematic of this whole thing.
We had six people on the ranch. Suddenly all six of them had night vision binoculars and this light object popped up just from behind Skinwalker Ridge. It popped up just over the ridge and so it just happened that all six people had night vision binoculars. They were exactly the same make and model. All six of them looked at this object and through night vision binoculars…The light was magnified tremendously through low vision amplification.
There was a sort of a debriefing that occurred later that evening… It turned out that all six individuals “saw completely different things” through the night vision binocular binoculars. So, I’m using this as a metaphor for saying that human perception is altered in many cases as a result or during UFO interaction. So, maybe human perception as it pertains to human consciousness is one of the objectives. The UFO phenomenon is somehow interacting with human consciousness for a purpose I don’t know. (End of edited transcript)
For those interested in learning more about the Virtual Experience Model, in the 2022 book, “A Greater Reality” edited by Rey Hernandez I have a chapter with the title, “REPORT FROM THE CONTACT UNDERGROUND: HUMAN INITIATED CONTACT, THE CONSCIOUSNESS CONNECTION AND THE VIRTUAL EXPERIENCE MODEL” The chapter can be read at the following link:
Click to access Burkes%20-%20Report%20from%20the%20Contact%20Underground.pdf
To read for free Volume I and II of “A Greater Reality” edited and published by Rey Hernandez, go to the Consciousness and Contact Research Institute (CCRI) web site and scroll down at:
Virtual Experiences of the Second and Third Kinds are listed below, followed by links to additional blogs on this topic.
Virtual Experience of the Second Kind, VE-2: In Dr. Karla Turner’s book “Masquerade of Angels”, she describes a dramatic contact experience in which the so-called aliens created a full sensory virtual reality for an experiencer. This type of scenario has also been portrayed in “The Matrix” movie series. In Chapter Four Dr. Turner describes a blue ball of light that engulfed a witness while she was in bed. Her astounded friends observed her as she reported seeing the ceiling disappear allowing her to view a UFO hovering over the house. A few moments later, still encased in the blue orb, she went on describe two aliens that were sitting at the edge of her bed. The other witnesses present reported seeing neither the helicopter, the UFO nor the beings.
Virtual Experience of the Third Kind, VE-3: This third modality is virtual memory. These are implanted memories that do not correspond to any previous physical events. Nonetheless, they are so vivid and of such emotional power that the experiencer is convinced that the memories reflect actual physical events.
These proposed mechanisms of contact are collectively called the Virtual Experience Model (VEM). A VE-1 is a virtual sighting. A VE-2 is a “virtual reality” type encounter and VE-3 is a virtual memory.
Links to Virtual Experience Blogs:
Joseph Burkes MD 2019. INTRODUCTION As the result of carefully studying numerous interactions with the intelligence responsible for Unidentified Aerial Phenomena UAP, I have developed a new paradigm for understanding the important role of illusion as a mechanism of contact. In proposing this model, I must emphasize that both physical and illusory contact experiences likely … Continue reading The Virtual Experience Model, an Overview
J. Burkes MD 2021 Important Proviso: The Virtual Experience Model doesn’t propose that all encounters are holographic or psychic. In my judgment, interactions are occurring via both virtual and physical means. The Virtual Experience Model describes what I believe are the illusory mechanisms of contact employed by flying saucer intelligences. The model is as follows: … Continue reading The Reasons why Flying Saucer Intelligences might stage “Virtual” Instead of Physical Encounters
For Two Cases Supporting the VE-2 Category “Matrix Reality” - Please use source link below