The Conil Case, Spain 1989
The famous "CONIL" case was, a unique event that would reveal the possibility of "non-human" entities having the ability to transform, infiltrating like a normal person in our world.
The whole plot starts with a group of longtime friends from the small coastal town of Conil de la Frontera, made up by brothers Isabel Sánchez (17 years) and Lázaro Sánchez (14 years), Pedro González (21 years), Loli Bermúdez (23 years) and Pedro Sánchez (19 years). His meeting point used to be the boardwalk and around Los Bateles beach, adjacent to the city center. There they spent hours talking and enjoying the good time.
On the first occasion, around 20:30, they observed an orange light much larger than the stars, which remained static in the sky for half an hour, until it disappeared on the horizon. The next day, they returned to the scene, but equipped with binoculars, and at the same time, they saw the strange orange light again. With the help of binoculars they checked that inside it there were four white lights forming a square. Light shone and gone on the horizon. For several days in a row, they met at the same point of the waterfront to observe this curious phenomenon closely.
On Friday the 29th, they went to the beach waiting for the UFOs to come back again. But tonight everything would be different. radically different. Shortly after they were at the beach, the orange light reappeared on the horizon.
Around 9pm, the big shock occurred. The young people noticed that very near the edge, the short distance, had appeared two very tall beings, about two meters tall, dressed in white robes. Their heads were also white, but a different tone, no traces on their faces, no hair. They really were weird. They walked from coast to sand. The creatures moved uncontrollably, though witnesses didn't see their feet.
Frightened, as they were going where they were, the young men fell back. Turning around, they discovered the creatures had stopped and were on their backs. They seemed to stare at the orange light on the horizon. That time a white/blue "spot of light" fell from the sky and disappeared half a meter above the creatures heads. Next, both guys sat on the sand and began piling sand to form a small wall. Witnesses insist his movements were highly mechanical and unruly. When the wall was finished, the creatures laid on their backs and began exchanging a small, blue-blue orb, the size of a tennis ball, that seemed to float from side to side.
So, through the binoculars, Pedro Sanchez observed the presence of a third humanoid. He stood at the feet of others, and his height was much higher, maybe about three meters tall. It had a disproportionately large, inverted pear head. She was wearing a tight black jumpsuit He suddenly disappeared and none of his mates could see him. Suddenly, in front of the bewildered gaze of the group of friends, the two beings basking in the sand came together, but inexplicably, they now looked like a man and woman, completely normal.
The man was very tall, blonde and wore jeans and a shirt and she had long brown hair and wore a long white skirt. The couple started walking toward the boardwalk, and they got very close to the witnesses. According to the young people, they appeared to be "German" or "Nordic" tourists, although suggesting the man's facial features were peculiar, as he had a very wide forehead and hairline far behind. The most interesting thing is that these two "people" broke into a local hotel, a few meters from the beach.
At that exact moment, Isabel and Loli looked out toward the beach and saw a very strange cloud moving in their direction at high speed. With the help of his binoculars, Pedro Bermudez again observed the giant dress of black approaching the shore floating in the sea, rigid, without moving.
Peter B. and Lazarus rushed to the beach to get a better look at the mysterious intruder, but the screams of his companions made them give up. The strange humanoid stopped at that moment, returning to the two young men. So they could appreciate that the creature's face was free of blemishes, except for their big, intensely colored "oval" eyes. They got a feeling that humanoid was warning them about something. The creature floated in a kind of "white cloud". Just a few minutes later
They all inspected the beach together and found that in the area where the two beings had spread there were some sand dunes, in which there were traces of "scratches" made by very thin and long fingers.
There were also barefoot footprints, which could fit a foot about 45 centimetres long by 15 centimetres wide. The arch of the toe looked really curved and the thumb was way bigger than the rest.
Witnesses concluded that @TAG's being was distracting them to divert their attention from the couple. Everyone went home very restless and scared that night.
Through Juan Bermudez, who was a relative of some journalists from Cadena Ser in Conil, reported the sighting to the press. And days later, the "Diario de Cadiz" in its edition of October 5, 1989 published a report titled "Five young people claim to have witnessed the transformation of two aliens into humans".
Source: Book: The Fifth Space Column - the Humanoids 2 - J. J. Bless up
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