The Ariel UFO Incident: when aliens visited a school in Zimbabwe

 by Robbie Mitchell

For many years UFO believers have been the subject of mockery and ridicule but this is starting to change. In recent years several high-profile military leaders and politicians have come out and admitted that world powers like the US have been tracking and documenting UFO encounters for decades.

Once the realm only of conspiracy theorists we can now perhaps seriously look at famous UFO sightings from throughout history and ask the question: what really happened? Take for example the Ariel UFO incident outside of Ruwa, Zimbabwe.

The Ariel UFO Incident

The Ariel school is located in Ruwa, a small agricultural area located 22km (13.6 miles) from the capital city of Zimbabwe, Harare. Made famous by the UFO incident, at the time Ruwa wasn’t even really a town, just a local place name associated with farming.

Ariel was an expensive private school. The majority of its children in attendance at the time were from wealthy, middle-class white families who lived in Harare. In the lead-up to the Ariel UFO incident, there had been a series of other UFO sightings across the south of the African continent. 

The Ariel UFO Incident occurred on September 16th, 1994. While the adult faculty were inside suffering through their morning meeting the pupils were outside enjoying their mid-morning break.

When the children returned to the classroom they had an amazing tale ready for their teachers. And when they got home the children then passed on their story to their parents. 


Top Image: 62 children at the Ariel school claimed they saw a UFO. Source: Joeprachatree / Adobe Stock.

For the rest of this article please go to source link below.


By Robbie Mitchell

I’m a graduate of History and Literature from The University of Manchester in England and a total history geek. Since a young age, I’ve been obsessed with history. The weirder the better. I spend my days working as a freelance writer researching the weird and wonderful. I firmly believe that history should be both fun and accessible.

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