Tall white humanoid figure hovering water
Location. Corner Brook, Newfoundland, Canada
Date: late May 1999 Time: 1500
While out walking in a logged-out valley outside Corner Brook and having made his way up the side of a long low mountain the witness for some reason decided to cut his walk short after a feeling of uneasiness. He took a short cut and slogged his way through a marshy area and was about 5 minutes away from where he had parked when he suddenly felt more relaxed and decided to dash over to a nearby pond and enjoy the scenery. He walked up the path and as he was nearing the pond something caught his attention. He was shocked to see a tall white humanoid figure hovering just over the surface of the water. This thing was about 20 meters in front of him and seemed to be in a trance like state, just floating in the air. The figure was solid and big and dressed in a white suit from head to toe and had what looked like a gray shield over where the eyes would be. The witness was so terrified that he was paralyzed for a moment and could not move. Soon he was able to turn slowly and started to walk along the side of the pond. By this time the being had sort of “awakened” out of its trance and without so much as a splash of water it was on the other side of the pond (opposite to the witness) who could clearly hear branches and twigs breaking. The witness then ran to his car and immediately drove back to Corner Brook and did not tell anybody what he had seen.
HC addendum
Source: Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research + direct communication from witness. Type: E