South African witness reports UFO nearly landed

A South African witness at Potchefstroom reported watching a triangle-shaped object that moved to near ground level, according to testimony in Case 82597 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The witness and a friend were sitting outside at 7:45 p.m. on March 10, 2017, talking and drinking tea.
“We saw a flickering object near the moon as big as a star and we thought it was just a plane,” the witness stated. “But it didn't make a sound. When we looked again, it changed direction and was hovering in weird motions.”

The witness then noticed the object’s shape.

“That's when we saw it was triangular in shape with red and white flickering lights on each edge. We didn't pay much attention to it since we thought it could just be a satellite, but that's when things got weird,”

The object moved very close to the witness.

“We turned around and saw the triangular black object hovering right behind us. It was huge. It seemed quite impossible since it was so far away in the sky and now it was right by our side. Me and my friend looked at each other, shocked and confused. We thought we lost our minds, but the object was right there. The object changed direction again above us, moving higher from the ground, going in a north direction again and moving towards the ground like it wanted to land.”


By Roger Marsh / UFO Writer

His “UFO Traffic Reports” published more than 7,000 times in web and print formats since 2009 covering the best new UFO cases of interest. He is the author of two annual editions of UFO Cases of Interest in 2018 and 2019 covering more than 500 best cases. He was a case researcher for the History channel’s “Hangar 1: The UFO Files.” His UFO case and media content research have appeared on multiple networks including History, Travel, Science, A&E, Discovery+, and Destination America. He has worked with many print, radio, and television network news affiliates domestically and abroad.

(Source:; February 7, 2018;
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