Solid black triangular UFO/UAP hovers low over Pennsylvania building

From: Researcher Stan Gordon:

A very interesting UFO/UAP observation took place on September 3, 2023, in Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, near the Susquehanna River.

The incident took place around 9 PM when the witness went outside to do a chore and also to walk her dog. Suddenly there was a bright flash of light similar to a starburst. The dog, which is deaf, was in a sitting position and looking up toward the sky. The witness then looked up to see what had attracted the dog's attention. She indicated to me that the light was shining down on her and the dog.

Hovering about 300 feet over her building was a large, solid black triangular object with rounded corners. There was enough moonlight to illuminate the area near the unusual object. The witness described the surface of the object as having a flat matte black color. She had a clear view of the undercarriage and back section of the object. There were no individual lights on the object. She could only describe the size as massive, and much larger than the medical helicopters that fly over her area on a regular basis.

Drawing of the triangle-shaped object used with permission of the witness.

When I interviewed the witness, she described seeing what looked like two circular protuberances on the back section of the object that she thought were possibly vents. It was in that area she noticed what she surmised was the orange-colored metal cooling off from the intense heat. She said this cooling effect did not occur all at once. She also observed what looked like some type of indentations or protrusions on the bottom surface.

As the object hovered, she noticed a deep, yet barely audible humming sound, and then one click type noise as the object began to slowly move. Suddenly the object moved so fast that it looked like a smudge and never saw it move off across the sky. “It just vanished.”

The entire observation happened within seconds. The witness did not contact me until a few weeks after the observation. As she described the experience to me in detail, she still sounded verbally shaken by what had taken place. The location of the sighting was only a few blocks from the Susquehanna River.


On the same date that this sighting took place, there were two other UFO/UAP reports in eastern sections of the state in Bucks and Montgomery counties.

There have been other low-level triangular UFO/UAP sightings reported this year, and many in past years in Pennsylvania. For example, on November 11, 2021, a person driving on Route 119 just outside of Smithfield in Fayette County observed something unusual in the sky during the early evening. About fifty yards ahead, the driver saw an object barely moving that appeared quite low above the ground. There were three lights in a rounded triangular configuration that was described as similar to a “guitar pick in shape.”  The lights looked perfectly circular, were non-blinking and orange-yellow in color, and were the size of a large dinner plate. As she got closer, the silent object was to her left about ten yards away off the road. She passed below a section of the object that was about thirty feet above the ground. The witness had a dog in the car at the time that was also looking at the object. The driver touched the animal to comfort it and felt a static electric charge at that time. The driver said the object was only about ten feet long and six feet wide.

Stan can be contacted at 724-838-7768, or at [email protected].


By Lon Strickler / Author Fortean Researcher

Publisher of the syndicated 'Phantoms and Monsters' blog - Host at 'Arcane Radio' - Spiritual Intuitive at 'Astral Perceptions Universal'

'Phantoms & Monsters' has always been a free access blog and newsletter. It is one of the very few paranormal / cryptozoology sites that offers first-hand information on breaking incidents and investigations. The site survives solely on donations.

If you would like to support the newsletter, blog and my work, you can use one of the donation buttons on the blog or newsletter, or go to and use my email [email protected] as the payee. Thanks again. Lon

By Stan Gordon / Field Investigator Researcher Writer

Stan Gordon was trained as an electronics technician who specialized in radio communications. He worked in the advanced consumer electronics sales field for over forty years. Stan has lived in Greensburg, Pennsylvania all of his life. Gordon began his interest in the UFO subject and other strange incidents at the age of ten in 1959. In the late 1960’s, he acted as the telephone UFO sighting report investigations coordinator for the UFO Research Institute of Pittsburgh.

Stan began in the field investigations of UFOs and other mysterious events in 1965, and is the primary investigator of the December 9,1965, UFO crash-recovery incident that occurred near Kecksburg, Pennsylvania. In 1969, Gordon established a UFO Hot-line for the public to report UFO sightings to him to investigate.

He appeared on The Close Encounters series on the Science Channel, Monsters & Mysteries in America on the Destination America Channel, Monumental Mysteries on the Travel Channel, In Search of Aliens on H2, and UFO Conspiracies on the Science Channel.

For updated reports on UFO sightings and other strange incidents, as well as upcoming lectures and other events check out Stan’s website:

(Source:; October 9, 2023;
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