Scientists who studied Roswell UFO crash debris and bodies named
If the crash of an alien vehicle occurred in July of 1947 in the desert near Roswell, New Mexico, it necessarily follows that the debris and bodies from that crash would be thoroughly studied. The extreme historical, scientific, and military significance of such a find means that extensive analysis, testing, and experimentation would have been performed. And it was.
Eleven of these men of science who conducted this early work have been identified through a years-long investigation. This investigation included first-ever interviews, FOIAs and reviews of military technical documents. These scientists and engineers hail from the private sector, the US Navy, and the US Air Force. Their names are revealed here and now, some for the first time:
Captain Robert McLaughlin (US Navy)
Robert McLaughlin, who died in 2000, was an engineering graduate of the US Naval Academy who had a notable career. With a demonstrated expertise in intelligent missiles, in time he was assigned to White Sands Proving Ground (now White Sands Missile Range) in New Mexico, as Commander. He oversaw all naval research units and was also the Chief of the Naval Rocket Unit. A holder of several US patents, he rose to the rank of Captain with Top Secret clearance.
His research and management skills were integral to the continued success of White Sands' most vital programs in the 1940s. As such, he circulated on a personal and professional level with such well-known personages as Dr. James Van Allen (the Van Allen Belt), meteorologist Charles Moore, astronomer Clyde Tombaugh (the discoverer of Pluto) and aerospace and rocket pioneer Wernher von Braun. McLaughlin had several German V-2 rocket engineers under his auspice.
This author has long suspected that White Sands' capabilities would be tapped if the crash was of extraterrestrial origin. I located and contacted the son of Capt. McLaughlin, John McLaughlin. John is the President of the Silicon Valley Historical Association and is an acknowledged authority on the history of high technology companies in Silicon Valley. John had a remarkable story to tell:
In the 1960s, when he was in his 20s, John noticed that his father had been mentioned in Frank Edwards' classic book, UFOs: Serious Business. The book details a story that Captain McLaughlin had related to True Magazine of having seen numerous flying disks around V-2 and other rocket and missile tests at White Sands. Astonished at his father being mentioned in the book, he asked his father to tell him more about what he knew about extraterrestrials.
His father replied that in fact he himself did indeed know something about UFOs, including debris obtained from one! He explained to his son that in 1947 an unusual episode had occurred while at White Sands. McLaughlin was visited by an Army Major from the Roswell base (about a 45 minute flight) who arrived at McLaughlin's office with a very strange piece of material. McLaughlin described it as "a metal-like cloth or fabric with a peculiar drape." But the feature that stuck in his mind the most was its sheer toughness and material strength. Two decades on and McLaughlin could still recall to his son the incredible, impenetrable properties of this material as "the damndest thing."
The Major had one request of McLaughlin: Try to punch a hole in it. The military labs apparently did not have the needed equipment to try to penetrate the material because they were unsuccessful, but White Sands might. They took it to the workshop there. The metallurgical technicians tried repeatedly to drill the material to make a hole in it with an advanced carbide drill. John states: "According to my father, they couldn't even make a scratch." No doubt both perplexed and disappointed, the Roswell Army Major took back the material and abruptly left without elaboration.
Elroy John Center, degreed in Chemical Engineering, was a Senior Research Chemist who worked for Battelle Memorial Institute in Columbus, OH from 1939-1957. Battelle is the nation's oldest defense contractor, established in 1929. They offer classified services to the US government relating to materials science, life science, energy and national security. They contract operate six of the US National Labs.
Dr. Irena Scott (a former employee of both Battelle and the Defense Intelligence Agency) states that in May of 1992, she talked to Warren "Nick" Nicholson, a former Battelle employee. He told her that in June of 1960, Center had privately related to him something very disturbing. Center had told him that while he was a Research Chemist at Battelle, he was directed by his superiors to provide technical assistance on a strange project. He was to conduct evaluation of an unknown material. He was told by an associate that the sample piece had been retrieved sometime prior from a crashed "flying saucer". He said that the debris – like the Roswell debris – had highly unusual hieroglyphic-like markings. This author also talked with Mr. Nicholson who offered some more details: the material was stored in a secure safe within the research facility. Though Center's work associate told him that it was extraterrestrial in nature, Center's superior told him it was of Soviet origin. Center's daughter (who is highly educated and highly placed in a religious denomination) was also contacted by this author. She confirms that her father had an intense interest in UFO study and in the extraterrestrial, including while he was at Battelle. Though she was never told about her father's late 1940s analysis of crash debris, she did state that her father was often visited by a FBI agent named "Jack" and that she had overheard them discussing UFOs. She also said that her father had himself sighted a UFO in Scioto, OH.
Elroy John Center (Battelle Memorial Institute)
Extraordinary confirmation of Center's story was obtained through FOIA requests sent to the Air Force seeking information related to materials science contracts let in the 1940s. It was learned that Battelle was contracted by Wright-Patterson in the months following the Roswell crash to begin research on advanced titanium alloys, including ones that would later evolve into shape recovery alloys, or metal that when deformed, instantly snaps back to its original shape. This "intelligent" material, known today as Nitinol (highly purified nickel and titanium) is very similar to the famed "memory metal" found as debris at the Roswell crash and reported by original Roswell witnesses. The FOIA reply revealed that the "Progress Report" by Battelle for Wright was co-authored by none other than Elroy John Center! Center was examining ways to create ultra-high purity titanium, needed to create the memory metal effect in Nitinol.
Battelle has a history of official UFO research. In the early 1950's the US Air Force commissioned Battelle to perform a detailed statistical study on UFO sightings, later known as Project Blue Book Report No. 14.
More on this can be learned in the Article Archive section of the UFO Explorations website under the section "The Study of the Roswell Memory Metal".
Ellis Boldra was a Major at Walker Air Force Base, formerly Roswell Army Air Field. In interviews with his son and friends in the 1990s conducted by researchers Kevin Randle and Don Schmitt, it was learned that Boldra (who died in 1984 in Chaves, NM) had told those close to him that in 1952 he had discovered an unusual fragment in a locked safe at the base Engineer's Office where he worked. He believed it was related to the UFO crash at Roswell some five years prior.
Boldra decided to conduct various tests on the find. He said that the piece was very thin but incredibly strong. It could not be cut, dented or scratched by any means. However it did bend, and when it was, it returned to its original shape instantly. When he applied an acetylene torch to it, the metal-like piece did not glow and did not melt and was not affected by the extreme temperature in any way. The heat had somehow dissipated instantly, and amazingly, the item could be handled immediately after torching.
He said that when properly energized, it provided "perfect illumination" and cast a soft light with no shadows. The Pentagon dispatched a courier to pick up the item after news leaked out that it had been found. Boldra did not believe that the debris could be made on Earth by man.
Dr. Knox Millsaps, Sr. (USAF)
Dr. Knox Millsaps was a military scientist who was appointed Commander of the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, located at Roswell-involved Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. He was an acclaimed mathematician with a focus on thermodynamics, and was an associate of Wernher von Braun and other science luminaries. Millsaps was prior assigned to Wright Field where his research included working on metallurgical projects. In fact he was there in 1947, the year of the Roswell crash. Knox was also associated with the T-3 Branch (Research and Development) at Wright under General Curtis LeMay at the Pentagon. LeMay, according to the late Senator Barry Goldwater and others, had knowledge of the UFO crash material. From 1960-1965 Millsaps would serve as Commander of our nation's Air Force Office of Scientific Research. Located at Wright-Patterson, Millsaps likely knew Wright's Base Commander in 1964 and 1965, General Arthur Exon. In the late 1990s Exon admitted to researchers Kevin Randle and Don Schmitt the ET nature of the crash and talked about the debris and its testing, saying, "the reports are still around."
Given where he was, who he was and the people he associated with at various times (von Braun, LeMay, Exon, etc.) Millsaps would be uniquely positioned to have known more than a little about the nature of the Roswell crash. The interview transcript below makes it clear that he did.
Researcher Tom Carey, when examining the role of Wright-Patterson in the Roswell event, located an engineer named Sidney Johnston who knew Millsaps well. Johnston was a Lt. Colonel and accomplished pilot and Aeronautical Engineer during WWII for the Army Air Corps. Upon retirement from service, he became a civilian Test Engineer with military contractor Northrop and worked at Holloman Air Force Base in Alamogordo, NM. Wright-Patterson Air Force Base often used Hollloman for testing aircraft, flight endurance and other experiments and evaluations. Johnston (who flew 44 combat missions) also served as pilot for Holloman's Commanders and Generals. While there, Johnston collaborated with two extremely accomplished engineer-scientists. One was John "Rocket Man" Stapp, an MD, PhD, as well as being an Air Force Flight Surgeon who also personally tested ultra-high-speed vehicles. He was known within his time as "The Fastest Man On Earth." The other was Dr. Millsaps.
Johnston, when reached, related to Carey that in the late 1950s when he was at Holloman, he and Stapp were joined by Dr. Knox Millsaps one morning on coffee break. And it was on that morning he would become utterly bewildered by a material Millsaps showed them that possessed seemingly otherworldly properties and characteristics. Millsaps explained that the material had come from a cowboy who had found it in the Roswell area. He had been visiting a mutual friend in Alamogordo, NM and presented Millsaps with the strange piece.
Johnston recounted the details to Carey about the unusual artifact:
"It was roughly a foot square of aluminum-like metal, about 3/16 of an inch thick. The edge of it was not cut but separated like it had a rough edge, but straight."
He gives a further description of the impervious yet ultra-thin material's "squeezability" and flexibility and its odd "tension" and temperature dispersion properties:
"The more you squeezed it, the more tension you could feel. It was flexible…we couldn't break it or scratch it in any way…yet it was flexible."
"We put a cigarette lighter to one end of it, and it immediately became the same temperature all over."
"I had no idea what it was so I asked Millsaps if he knew. Millsaps answered that he'd like to know too."
Johnston was curious, and asked Millsaps where he could learn more. Johnston states that Millsaps then replied, "Go talk to the people over at Roswell."
When asked what he was going to do with the metal-like debris, Millsaps shared, "I've got to talk to somebody at Wright-Patterson about it. I don't know what it is, I couldn't identify it myself. Wright-Patterson has a Materials Lab, which is where I'm taking it." Millsaps then took back the bizarre material and headed out. The subject was never discussed again. Johnston apparently felt it best not to inquire of his security-cleared coworker the results of the lab's analysis, and Millsaps never offered Johnston any further details.
Very interestingly, Dr. Millsaps' namesake son, Dr. Knox Millsaps Jr., seems to have picked up where his father left off. He is currently the Chair of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering at the US Naval Postgraduate School. Millsaps Jr. has sponsored at least two dissertations relating to shape recovery (memory metal) alloys for use in space satellites.
Commander George Hoover (US Navy) Seated (left) with Fred Durant (Robertson Panel on UFOs) and Wernher von Braun (seated across)
Commander George W. Hoover was long associated with the U.S. Office of Naval Research (ONR). He was also a space program pioneer and innovator of numerous avionic and astronautical devices. Hoover was highly awarded for his technical achievements, including the Aviation Week Laureate Award, the American Astronautical Society's Space Flight Award, the Legion of Merit, and the British Interplanetary Society's Bronze Medal.
Hoover made enormous contributions to atmospheric balloon research leading to Project Skyhook; the X-15 rocket aircraft (in developing the D-558-1); and to Wernher von Braun's Project Orbiter (resulting in the launch of Explorer I, the first American satellite). When retired from service, Hoover was a leading consultant to organizations including NASA (providing human standards development for Apollo), General Dynamics, McDonnell Douglas, and Curtiss-Wright. Hoover was also instrumental in the development of the first advanced flight instrumentation and of the first flight simulators. A highly decorated pilot as well, he personally logged over 5,000 flight hours in over 100 types of aircraft.
Dr. Wernher von Braun said of Hoover in the early 1950s, "Everybody talks about satellites, then nobody does anything. George Hoover's contribution should never be forgotten." Vice Chief of the Navy, Admiral Harry D. Felt said of Hoover that he offered "the driving spirit, organizing genius, imagination and foresight which set in motion the mighty effort toward the first man-made earth satellite, man's first step toward space flight." Given Hoover's background (and his close association with Fred Durant, a scientist with the early official UFO study, "The Robertson Panel") this author attempted to locate any of Hoover's family members and found his namesake son, George Hoover Jr.
Hoover Jr. is himself highly accomplished. He is Berkeley-educated and degreed in Engineering Physics with an MBA from UCLA and a JD from Loyola Law. Hoover Jr. is today a Partner with one of the most prestigious and successful patent law firms in the nation. Hoover Jr. holds US Patents in technologies as far-ranging as energy storage and 3D mapping. Prior to this, Hoover Jr. was a Senior Manager in Advanced Control Systems for Hughes Aircraft.
In extended email correspondence, George W. Hoover Jr. revealed some remarkable things about his father, Commander George Hoover:
Hoover Sr. was – in an official capacity – made privy to Roswell crash information in the 1950s or earlier
Hoover Sr. related some of this information to Hoover Jr. as early as the 1960s!
Hoover told his son "on a number of occasions" the he had personally "seen the evidence about the Roswell crash event that convinced him that it was neither a balloon nor a hoax"
Hoover Sr. either would not, could not or did not wish to elaborate any further on this with his son, even after several conversations
Hoover Sr. had "both a personal and a professional interest in UFOs"
This author reached out to an associate of Hoover's named Fred Durant some years ago who was 94 and living in North Carolina, to see if any more information could be obtained on this. Durant was the former Secretary of the CIA's UFO study group "The Robertson Panel" of 1952, resulting in what is sometimes called the "Durant Report". Fred Durant and George Hoover were very close for a very long time, including when both were at the Office of Naval Research. He was well-spoken and sharp, but very guarded. He was extraordinarily evasive with me in both emails (sent through his assistant, as Durant was nearly blind) as well as in phone conversation. Durant still spoke like a spook. The former CIA agent qualified his responses to me several times and prefaced his answers with seemingly well-rehearsed phrases common to those in Intelligence: "I have no reason to believe" and "To my knowledge."
When asked what he felt about the true nature of the Roswell crash, Durant replied, "To my knowledge, all investigations of Roswell were concluded years ago." Later he stated "To my knowledge, the story of the Roswell crash was one of misidentification of a Mogul balloon." Finally on the matter he said, "I do not believe that any evidence of unknown phenomena was obtained." Durant spoke fondly of Commander George Hoover and confirmed to me that he had worked with him and had known him well. He also agreed that Hoover was trustworthy, and he added that Hoover "sold his concepts well" at the Navy. He also lauded Hoover as playing a role in the development of early space flight and satellite technology.
However, when I asked Durant why Hoover would say that Roswell was not a balloon and not a hoax, he replied, "I have no reason to believe the posthumous claim that George Hoover was aware of any factual information about the Roswell incident." When I told Durant that Hoover's own namesake son said differently, Durant wanted to know "where Hoover's papers are kept." He simply did not want to hear what Hoover's own family and others were saying about this, and seemed more concerned about locating any extant professional or personal papers of Hoover's on the UFO subject.
In 1995 George W. Hoover Sr. left his testament for history with an associate of the History Channel. Some of Hoover's hints about Roswell that he had made to his own son were later corroborated in private, off-the-record conversations that Commander Hoover had with researcher William J. Birnes PhD, JD. This included a visit by Birnes and others to Hoover's home in Pacific Palisades, CA. Birnes had sought out Hoover for information on a design issue for a technical "cockpit display project" that Birnes was working on at the time. The talk at some point turned to UFOs. In correspondence with this author, Birnes detailed his experience with Hoover and indicated that Hoover was lucid, articulate and serious.
Commander George Hoover finally revealed what he really knew about Roswell. He explained the truth as he had learned it all those decades ago:
UFOs are not the "biggest secret" – it is the entities behind them that was of most concern
Roswell was in fact a crash event of "visitors from somewhere else"
The entities were "not so much interplanetary as much as they were literally also time travelers." They are extra-temporal.
The visitors are clearly "from the future." There is reason to believe that they may even be "us" from a future Earth.
These "future humans" have the ability to "manipulate reality around us"
The government feared the intentions and abilities of the "visitors"
These visitors are able to use the power of consciousness in extraordinary ways to morph reality
We human beings are far more powerful in potential than we ever dreamed that we are. We don't yet comprehend our extraordinary future capabilities.
The visitors remain at essence, though "corporeal" and "physical" – and secret attempts at reverse-engineering the visitor's crash material were made
Incredibly, Hoover admitted that he himself was engaged in such technology transfer as a Naval Intelligence Officer with Top Secret clearances
Legendary aviation/aerospace expert Wernher von Braun was the most prominent of the Nazi "Paperclip" scientists brought to the US from Germany after WWII. His work in rocketry, missile and aeronautical technologies (including the V-2) are well-known. He later led NASA's Marshall Flight Center.
Dr. Edgar Mitchell (PhD MIT) was the sixth man to walk on the Moon. In a little-discussed interview broadcast on the syndicated radio show Coast-to-Coast on September 12, 2007, Mitchell explained that he and von Braun were good friends. During one discussion between the two, the topic moved to UFOs. In his talk with von Braun, von Braun was somewhat cryptic about the subject, but he opened up a bit about the Roswell crash, "Wernher said that it did happen. He was apparently there as a first investigator to the incident because of his rocketry knowledge…Wernher was a brilliant thinker and his goal was to explore the universe." von Braun was sparing in details on the subject, which likely made him uncomfortable.
Wernher von Braun (Paperclip scientist, NASA)
In a November 2009 interview with Swedish researcher Clas Svahn, Mitchell confirmed this again. Svahn states, "Ed Mitchell claims to be sure that the German rocket scientist Werher von Braun knew that the military had recovered a crashed alien spaceship. Mitchell said to me, 'I knew von Braun very well and have also talked to a German rocket technician contact and he confirmed some of this for me. Wernher was among those who was informed of, but not in, the control group on the matter."
In 1998, the late Dr. Hans Napier, a noted MD from Hanover, Germany and a metabolic specialist who was a close personal friend of von Braun, stated that von Braun himself confirmed to him the reality of alien visitations. Again, von Braun spoke sparingly on the subject to his friend.
Dr. Ernst Steinhoff was a member of Wernher von Braun's technical inner circle as one the most brilliant aero and rocket engineers, and both Steinhoff's son and his good friend attest that Steinhoff was very Roswell-aware. Also brought to Ft. Bliss by the Americans after the war as a valuable technical resource, Steinhoff was the German second-in-command of the Paperclip scientists' technical work, under von Braun.
What Steinhoff Told His Friend About Roswell
Cornelius Klaus "Neels" Blesius is a retired doctor living in New Mexico. He indicated to researcher Tom Carey that in 1965 he met Steinhoff in a New Jersey hospital. The two Germans became fast and close friends, and Steinhoff later visited Blesius in New Mexico. In 1973, Blesius says that he was told an extraordinary story by his friend Steinhoff:
In 1947, a select group of Paperclip scientists were taken by federal authorities to the New Mexico desert for a purpose left unstated.
They were escorted to an area with strange wreckage from an aerial object and then asked to study the crash site.
The Americans wanted assurance that it wasn't of Soviet or other foreign country origin.
Steinhoff said it was not.
They were instructed to not remove any material from the crash site.
He said that he heard that some of the material was taken to underground facilities at Wright Air Field.
He requested of Blesius that he never say anything until after he (Steinhoff) passed away. Steinhoff died in 1987 at 79 years of age.
Dr. Ernst Steinhoff (Paperclip scientist)
What Steinhoff Told His Son About Roswell
Ralph Steinhoff is a retired doctor living in New Mexico. He is also Ernst Steinhoff's son. What he told Tom Carey helps to corroborate what Blesius said about Steinhoff.
Ralph confirms that he and his father did speak about the Roswell incident, though sparingly.
Ralph states that his father was a lead investigator of the crash – his father would say that much. He was there and he observed and analyzed the wreckage.
When the younger Steinhoff would press his father on the matter, his father replied, "Those who know don't talk, and those who talk don't know."
A West Point engineering graduate, Laurence Craigie was the first person in US history to fly a jet plane. An acknowledged expert in experimental aircraft, he helped to develop the B-29. In 1947, Craigie was the Director of Research and Development for the US Armed Forces. Notably, it was Craigie who authorized Project Sign in the months after the Roswell crash, the first official US government study of UFOs and the forerunner to Project Blue Book.
Several years ago, this author (as well as reporter Billy Cox) spoke with Craigie's personal pilot in 1947, Ben Games. Games held a PhD and the rank of Major. He recorded over 730 hours of flight combat hours and after retirement from the military, headed several Caribbean airline companies. Games told us that:
Craigie was dispatched by General Curtis LeMay to Roswell to investigate the crash.
Games said he flew Craigie to Roswell, immediately after the crash.
Craigie was tight-lipped about what he learned during his overnight stay.
Craigie was then flown by Games to meet with President Truman immediately afterwards.
The records of the flight when he ferried Craigie from Bolling Field in DC to New Mexico are unexplainably missing.
General Laurence Craigie (USAF)
Of course it makes complete sense that Craigie - the person who led R&D for the Army Air Force at the time of the crash - would have been intimately involved in its technical aftermath.
Dr. Charles Stahl MD, PHD (Walter Reed)
For a long period of time, the government's top forensic pathologist was Dr. Charles Stahl. Stahl, who passed in 2016, had an illustrious, four-decade career in service to our nation. He was the US Navy's first Forensic Pathologist (in 1962) and was the Chief Armed Forces Medical Examiner. At various points he led the Armed Forces DNA Identification Laboratory, was Chairman of the US Navy's Department of Laboratory Medicine, and was the Chief of Forensic Pathology for the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology at Walter Reed Military Medical Center. Dr. Stahl was the recipient of many military honors, including being bestowed the Legion of Merit medal. He is acknowledged today as the "Godfather" of military forensic pathology, the branch of medicine that deals with the laboratory examination of samples of body tissue of deceased personnel (such as pilots or other servicemen) for diagnostic or forensic purposes. As the nation's leading doctor in his field, Stahl conducted historic medical examinations including of Senator Robert F. Kennedy, assassinated by Sirhan Sirhan in 1968. Stahl also conducted the medical examination of Apollo 1 astronauts Gus Grissom, Walter Chaffee and Ed White who died in 1967 in a Cape Canaveral fire.
According to Dr. Christopher Green in discussions with this author, Dr. Charles Stahl was privy to alien tissue retrieved from a UFO crash and that this material was stored and studied at Walter Reed Military Medical Center. A noted Forensic Physician, Dr. Green is currently Assistant Dean of the Wayne State School of Medicine in Michigan. His career began with the US Federal Government in 1969 as a Senior Division Analyst for neurosciences at the Central Intelligence Agency. In the mid-'70s he became a Branch Chief, Deputy Division Director, and Assistant National Intelligence Officer for Science and Technology. He joined General Motors Corporation in 1985 as head of Life, Materials and Environmental Sciences, and later became Executive Director of Technology Intelligence, and Chief Technology Officer for GM Asia Pacific Operations. He was Chair of the Independent Science Panel for the Undersecretary of the Army for Operations Research, and the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Chemical, Biological, and Nuclear Matters. He holds the National Intelligence Medal and is a Fellow in the American Academy of Forensic Sciences. He was elected a Lifetime National Associate of the US National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences.
Dr. Green revealed that in the spring of 1978, he had professional reasons to visit Walter Reed Medical Center. He was being escorted around the facility by Dr. Stahl on what he recalled as being a "bright sunny day." As they walked about the campus discussing forensics, Dr. Stahl stopped in the parking lot, lifted his arm and pointed to the Pathology Building and made a very serious comment to Dr. Green in a very serious tone. Looking at Dr. Green he said:
"This is where the alien tissue samples are stored."
More than that he refused to say that day. Though Dr. Green was security cleared, it seems that Dr. Stahl "caught himself" and rather than speak out of turn further, diverted the conversation. It may though have been said intentionally, given what Dr. Stahl would later say to Dr. Green on the subject.
Dr. Green explained that Dr. Stahl "became my mentor and my lifelong friend." Dr. Green insists that Dr. Stahl was not "joking" or teasing when he made the stunning statement to him. We agreed that this comment was made before the first books on the Roswell crash had been published, so there was no media "contamination." Dr. Green describes himself as having been "shocked" by Stahl's comment. He was "stunned silent", feeling privileged to have been told but unable to insist on more details, hoping they would be forthcoming. But they were not.
When Dr. Green brought up the subject again to Dr. Stahl some time later, Dr. Stahl would only say that:
"I would be interested to learn what you may learn about the matter." (presumably from other people)
This author located and spoke with Charles Stahl, Jr., Dr. Stahl's namesake son and firstborn. An accomplished government administrator with a Master's in Public Administration, he is currently the Assistant City Manager of Johnson City, TN. Charles was very forthcoming and pleased to discuss his father when reached by this author. He detailed his father's involvement in the examination of the Apollo 1 astronaut victims and of the RFK autopsy. He states that his father would talk about his work in a limited way when it came to such "sensational" cases. Stahl Jr. respected this and as a matter of habit did not ever press his father too far on such things. Though his father did not confess to him about his knowledge of aliens, Stahl Jr. himself thinks that it is entirely possible that his father was uniquely positioned, held the right qualifications, and possessed sufficient clearance to have been involved in the forensic examination of extraterrestrials, given they exist. And Stahl Jr.'s personal opinion is that they likely do.
This is not the first time that Walter Reed has been associated with the examination of extraterrestrials. In fact, the now-deceased Roswell, NM undertaker in 1947, Glenn Dennis (who stated that he was aware of the alien corpses through his nurse friend at the base at that time) had specifically mentioned Walter Reed's involvement in the crash incident. And what the undertaker Dennis stated helps to confirm what the pathologist Stahl said.
Dennis, in an OMNI magazine interview in the fall of 1995, said that his nurse friend told him there were doctors present at the base hospital with whom she was unfamiliar:
"Did the nurse know who the doctors were or where they were from?"
"I asked her, and she said she'd never seen them before."
"She told me she heard one say to the other that they'd have to do something when they got back to Walter Reed Army Hospital."
UFO researcher Wendy Connors was very close to Walter Haut, the Public Affairs Officer at Roswell Army Air Field in 1947. Wendy once mentioned to Walter that the most likely place that the recovered bodies would have been taken would be Walter Reed Hospital. Walter replied with a smile, "You are very astute."
Dr. Green also points to another of his mentors, a USAF General, as having mentioned to him work that was being conducted on recovered extraterrestrials and extraterrestrial materials. Through the 1980s, when he was still a CIA intelligence officer, Green described one of his associates as "a recently retired, extremely senior general officer from the United States Air Force. He also happened to be a senior physician. In the Air Force, this man's area of work was as a liaison on a classified manned space flight program. After he left the Air Force he went into private industry under contract, like they all do." His classified work was in "an aspect of the space program."
It can now be revealed that Green's informant was Brigadier General Donald D. Flickinger of the USAF. Flickinger was a noted military flight surgeon and expert on the physiology of high altitude flight. In 1947, the year of the Roswell crash, Flickinger was the Director of Research for the School of Aviation Medicine (now the US Air Force School of Aerospace Medicine at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.)
Brigadier General Donald D. Flickinger (USAF)
In 1982, Green hired Flickinger to be on a science board at the CIA with him. Within a year or two ("in 1983, 84") after they developed an even closer working relationship, Flickinger confided to Green that "the stories about alien incursions, recoveries, and information are true." Moreover, he was going to try to get Green cleared for highly sensitive programs related to extraterrestrial physiology. One key reason apparently was the lack of physicians cleared for this purpose. Green was excited about the prospect. However, this man could not get Green cleared. He tried repeatedly. When Green resigned from CIA during the late 1980s, he was able to get cleared for "a couple of the programs", including something that he said was a very sensitive subject, "but not the ones that had to do with UFOs or aliens or autopsies."
Even during Green's retirement from the CIA while with General Motors, his retired Air Force colleague continued telling him that he was working to get Green cleared "into the program that has to do with aliens and UFOs." But it never happened, despite a few times when it seemed to Green that it might happen. It was in this context that Green's late-80s briefing in the Pentagon occurred. He was called in and somehow made to understand that he was going to be read into the Roswell program. He entered a briefing room, which was a SCIF – Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility. The security officer took his credentials, checked him through, and found that he was indeed approved for the briefing.
In Green's words:
"An officer came in uniform, took me into the briefing room, sat me down, showed me some (briefing) materials, but later said, "you will not get any further information today and there's no video." I said, 'I was told I was going to get to see a video of extraterrestrials.' He said, 'you are not.'" I said, 'I was told I might be signing some additional paperwork.' He said, 'you will not." Green was not, despite his mentor General Flickinger's endorsement, read into anything on the matter any further.
We have been able to identify some of those scientists and engineers who were in positions to perform technical work on the Roswell recovery during the period immediately following the crash as well as some years later. They included personnel within the Air Force, Navy and defense contracting. This technical work continues through to the present day as new technological advancements are made in analysis and testing that can be applied to the debris and bodies.
However today, over three quarters of a century after the crash, identifying those who continue the work on the Roswell materials is considerably more difficult:
The debris and bodies have no doubt been 'farmed out' to different lab facilities. For security reasons neither the entirety of the debris nor all the bodies would be kept in a single location. And no one place or organization could possibly have all the people and resources needed to effectively evaluate these extraterrestrial artifacts.
Compartmentalization is so extreme that no single researcher would be given any materials outside of their field of expertise. Their part in the project would be very tightly focused. In reverse-engineering projects (even of terrestrial craft), often no background information is provided, and no mention of origin is made if there is no need to know. Discussion of this classified work is not made to co-workers and sometimes not even with superiors. Ultra-high security controls are placed on work flow and work product.
Over 75 years on, scientists and engineers who today are engaged in certain exotic materials projects for instance, have no idea about the Roswell-impetus of their work. They may be working on "extension technologies" that were developed terrestrially, but that are based on what has been learned from the study of the actual crash material.
Such work is artfully blended into existing advanced aerospace technologies research for the Department of Defense.
Private defense contractors (where much of this work is done) are not subject to FOIA and have no obligation to respond to outside inquiries.
And another difficulty is that if these individuals are currently employed in their fields, coming forward would jeopardize their livelihoods and families. These employees sign security oaths. Making unauthorized public mention of Top Secret projects that could jeopardize national security when employed by the government or a federal contractor is a federal offense. Depending on the severity of the violation, punishment could include termination of employment and benefits, fines, loss of pension, imprisonment or even death.
Though the eleven men mentioned in this article have all passed on, there are leads that this author is currently pursuing that may provide insight into the identities of some of those scientists and engineers that are alive today that have been involved in more recent ET-related technical work. As people who work to find and report the facts, they have a special obligation to truth and to history to share with humanity what they have learned about the alien.
Thanks is extended for the research efforts of Tom Carey, Keith Basterfield and Billy Cox.