Sasquatch flanked by several coyotes in Wisconsin

Location: central Wisconsin (exact location not given)

Date: spring 2014 Time: night

The main witness, Lori Liddell, and her friend Val had gone hiking on a trail in an mound area in central Wisconsin. They had the bright idea to go for a walk because the night was warm with full moonlight and there were no bugs yet. They were near the top of the mound when they both stopped talking and walking because ahead of them only about 15 feet away, they saw the outline of a huge figure blacker than the dark around them, standing in the trail. Not human proportions, but thick and wide. The mass of a Sasquatch. They couldn’t see the arms and legs but they could see the head, shoulders and torso. The lower body was blended with the hillside. The creature was about 7 feet tall. The creature didn’t move but the wind was slightly blowing and it was almost as if the hair on its body had white tips or something because the breeze in the moonlight was making the hair move like ‘twinkling stars.’

Once the witness noticed the moonlight reflecting off the hair, she could see that along the outline of the head and shoulders there was more reflection. There was almost a bluish electrical glow, very subtle. They could clearly see the trees behind and around it and it seemed to the witness like they shouldn’t have been able to see it too. She said, “Do you see something blocking the trail?” She said, “Yes, we should go!” She agreed and they both turned and walked slowly back down the hill. It did not follow but as they nervously forced themselves to walk slowly back down the hill, they saw five or six canines the size of coyotes flanking them about 20 yards out, to their south. She asked her if she saw them and she said, “Yes!” They got to the truck and they didn’t even talk until they were a few miles away. Her friend saw the same thing she did. They were both freaked out about the coyotes flanking them as they were with the Sasquatch. They are not afraid of coyotes but it felt like the coyotes were escorting them out on behalf of the Sasquatch and that weirded both out. They saw them right away as soon as the had started back down the hill. Neither of them had taken a flashlight but neither one of them would have lit that thing up anyhow.

Neither of them noticed any unusual smells, and neither felt anything out of the ordinary until it was right in front of them.

HC addendum

Source: “Lots of New Voices Come in Today” (Is this Real?) The Facts by Podcast. Steve Isdahl, Host. May 5 2024. Type: E & X


By Albert S. Rosales / Unusual Phenomena Researcher

Born in Cuba, migrated to the US in 1966.
Had several unusual incidents as a young man while living inCuba, such incidents continued as an adult here in the US. Became interested in unusual phenomena and UFOs at a young age but soon directed my focus to the crux of the phenomena, the Humanoids, entities, extraterrestrials, Ufonauts, etc. Began collecting data on such encounters from worldwide sources in the late 80's. Have a current
database of over 18,000 entries which is updated and corrected daily have published four books so far, and expecting more soon.

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