Rocket-like object with dome structure
Location of Sighting: Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
Date of Sighting: November 8, 2021
Time of Sighting: 5:56 PM EST
Description: I thought to share a remarkable photo with you. A friend took the photo on November 8, 2021 at 5:54 PM near dusk. He was on his balcony facing westward. After taking a few pictures later he reviewed them and he noticed something in one of the pictures. After using software available he cropped this unknown to detail. It appears like a missile or rocket or an unknown spacecraft. What is quite interesting is the detail at the front top reveals a small dome like structure – cockpit?? He believes whatever he captured may well be supersonic. It was not so easy to detect by the naked eye, only by camera. It was travelling so fast and not found in other photos. My friend would be open to share this photo with the general public.
I thought you would like to examine this most interesting image and share with your readers.
Note: This is a strange looking rocket. As was pointed out one wonders about the “dome” on the rocket. Could it be a model rocket? I doubt if the Canadian Military would be launching any rockets in this area.