Possible Thunderbird sighting in Lawrence county

We have not had a report of a possible Thunderbird in a while, but we got one just a few days ago. For those that may not know, a Thunderbird is a very large bird that Native American legend speaks of with a wingspan approximately 20 feet. Reports on size, origin, and color do vary a little from case to case. Some even compare Thunderbirds to pterosaurs and these sightings sometime overlap.

Probably the most notable case took place in July 1977, a boy from Lawndale, Illinois claimed to have been attacked by a giant bird, which clamped onto him and then lifted him for a distance of at least 30 yards. He managed to escape unharmed

Here is the Report (Case # TB001)

Name: Jon ****
State: IL.
County: Lawrence
Date of Sighting: 04-25-2021
Time of Day: 4pm
Nearest Town: Lawrenceville
Length of Sighting: Three min. ?
How many Witnesses: Only me
Any Photos/Videos: No
Describe sighting in detail:

I was working in my shed, when I noticed a storm was moving in from the north.
Suddenly a very large low flying bird entered my view maybe a mile away flying south over my house, it was followed by a second one, a little behind and to the right of the first animal..

Large bird, reddish in color, no real markings, maybe a lighter collar color. Feathers are loosely packed giving the bird an almost wholly appearance. The overall shape of the bird would be eagle-like.. Except the wing is longer. I am almost deaf, and heard no sounds as they flew over.

I would guess, that a bald eagle wings full spread, would easily fit under one wing of the creature I saw.

I'm very familiar with buzzards, and eagles they are both common here. I have seen thunder birds before, just never so low.

I'm 59, and s]don't normally visit cryto, UFO, or mystery websites.
This is my first time posting on one. These birds where so low, and I got such a good look, I simply had to post it somewhere. 

-End Report-

Thanks to Jon for sharing what he saw. I'm glad he came forward and felt compelled enough to share what he saw. I hope others in the area saw these large birds and file a report. 

For the record, the largest scientifically recognized bird in North America is the California condor, with a wingspan of up to 10 feet. But there has been numerous sightings of a bird often described as having a much larger wingspan. 

There are a lot of stories out there about the Thunderbird. There are a few old looking images that have been circulating for years, of possible Thunderbirds, but in most cases the details are few. That is not to diminish the countless sightings over the years. In fact, we even track reports sent to us via our sightings map - Click Here

People are seeing a large bird of some kind. It seems to be something out of the ordinary as most people are familiar with turkey vultures and eagles. 


By Thomas Marcum / Cryptozoology and Paranormal Research Organization

This post by Thomas Marcum, Thomas is the founder/leader of the cryptozoology and paranormal research organization known as The Crypto Crew. Over 20 years experience with research and investigation of unexplained activity, working with video and websites. A trained wild land firefighter and a published photographer, and poet.

(Source: thecryptocrew.com; April 26, 2021; https://tinyurl.com/yjwouaj6)
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