PHOTOS: Remarkable '6-toed Bigfoot prints' submitted

"I took those photos of the 6 toes print. This was in 2016 at my logging camp 2 miles west of Lake Almanor near Chester, California. Unfortunately, that entire area has burned down this year in the Dixie Fire. And for the naysayers that say they're fake, they're not. The smaller print is my size 10 footprint. They are unusual compared to other Bigfoot tracks that I've encountered. That's why I shared them. I have no need to fake anything, nor do I want any notoriety of any kind." GW

NOTE: You can find the video and commentary at Photos Of 6 Toe'd Human Like Huge Foot Prints

Have you had a sighting or encounter?

Contact me by email - Thanks. Lon

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By Lon Strickler / Author Fortean Researcher

Publisher of the syndicated 'Phantoms and Monsters' blog - Host at 'Arcane Radio' - Spiritual Intuitive at 'Astral Perceptions Universal'

'Phantoms & Monsters' has always been a free access blog and newsletter. It is one of the very few paranormal / cryptozoology sites that offers first-hand information on breaking incidents and investigations. The site survives solely on donations.

If you would like to support the newsletter, blog and my work, you can use one of the donation buttons on the blog or newsletter, or go to and use my email [email protected] as the payee. Thanks again. Lon

(Source:; September 23, 2022;
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