People get ready
Humanity’s survival in what may be a crowded universe requires rapid thinking and bold action. We need to level up fast.
What’s Really Going Down
On the matter of UFO/UAP existence, the B.C. (Before Confirmation) world is transitioning before our eyes into an A.D. (After Disclosure) world. This process will radically transform our ideas about the nature of reality during the 2020s and beyond.
For seventy years — from World War II, through wars in Korea, Vietnam and Iraq and Afghanistan, thirteen presidents, nuclear showdowns, 9/11, pandemics, social protest, and economic catastrophes — the cover-up of UFO reality has held stubbornly in place by the twin pillars of denial and ridicule.
We now stand at the edge of a new day.
A move toward open discussion of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) now involves citizens, politicians, activists, soldiers, and mainstream media. The work to understand UFOs will now move forward throughout the decade — in frustrating fits and starts, yes, but the process is on.
There’s just one problem. We have to multi-task this transition alongside a massive (and potentially related) issue. Namely:
The Earth, a once biologically thriving and abundant planet, and its dominant species, human beings, are each in existential trouble.
The planet and its people are involved in a mutual death spiral if things do not change. We all know it in our bones. As Leonard Cohen put it, “Everybody knows the boat is leaking. Everybody knows the Captain lied.”
The 2020s have started rough, to be sure. The coronavirus pandemic, protests for social justice, and a shaken-and-stirred economic free-fall have to play out against the global issues of species extinction, environmental degradation and climate change. It’s all pushed us to the brink.
At the same time as these serious issues face us, we have to deal with our place in the Universe, something that we’ve postponed doing for over seven decades. We have to understand we’re really not alone, and that there is a non-human intelligence engaged with us somehow.
Ready or not, we have to meet the challenge head on, in as cohesive and unified way as human beings are capable of behaving. Our past behavior hasn’t been encouraging on this score, but we have to hope that the magnitude of the challenge will bring out our best selves.
Fasten your seatbelts. This may be a bumpy ride over rough terrain.
2020 is the Summer of the Saucers
The issue of UFO/UAP reality has become red hot. Here’s a snapshot of this moment in 2020’s Summer of the Saucers.
The United States Navy and the Department of Defense
- Over at the Pentagon, the Office of Naval Intelligence and the DoD have officially released and confirmed the reality of three startling UAP videos from encounters with pilots in 2004 and 2015. The one you’ve heard about concerns the U.S.S. Nimitz off the coast of Mexico encountering the Tic Tac UFO style, and documenting it on video, radar and data.
The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
- The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence has reported out a bill asking for the nation’s intelligence agencies to get back to them with a report on UAP within 180 days. Senator Kamala Harris is on that committee and voted “aye” to report it out to the full Senate. Acting Chairman Marco Rubio has been outspoken on why this has to be done.
The Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Task Force
- The Office of Naval Intelligence runs an Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Task Force, and has briefed multiple senators, congresspersons, and even high ups in private enterprise. And the Pentagon now openly is putting out press releases about its UAPTF, and promising more details to come.
The New York Times
- The New York Times is leading a bold investigation into the issue of UFO/UAP reality and boldly daring to go where no mainstreamers have gone before — talking about crash wreckage of “off-world” craft. The reporters — Leslie Kean and Ralph Blumenthal — are feisty, informed and fearless people.
Everybody Else on the Beat
- Other media, once derisive or uninterested, joins in regularly with interviews and coverage of the Times, and several outlets like Popular Mechanics and Politico are moving to advance the reporting under their own original efforts.
To the Stars Academy
- From its Encinitas beach town home base, the To the Stars Academy, TTSA, continues to make news and break stories. The organization’s fearless leader is Blink-182’s Tom DeLonge who has assembled a smart, competent team of plucky insiders led by Lue Elizondo to balance out his loose cannon enthusiasm. TTSA has a TV series in Unidentified that is sobering over its testimony that the U.S. military has had encounters that it simply can’t explain.
The President of the United States
- The President of the United States has been asked about UFOs on multiple occasions, and has made cryptic comments about Roswell and declassification issues. These were all friendly softball interviews where he could have made it clear he did not wish to be asked about the topic. Instead, he took questions from Tucker Carlson and George Stephanopoulus who treated it seriously and Lou Dobbs and Donald Trump Jr. who did not.
Turns Out UFOs are Real
The government has admitted openly in the last year what many millions have thought for many decades. There are incredible aircraft that we didn’t build flying about in our airspace doing impossible maneuvers.
Currently, the establishment says we are going to study UAP, Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, to see if the subject represents one of the nation’s adversaries leap-frogging our highly funded military establishment in aerial technology. Yet the open secret is that almost no one observing the data or investigating these fantastic encounters actually thinks these craft come from China or Russia.
Most of us know that 2020 is just the first act of the Big Show that we all bought tickets for.
Someone else is here. Or maybe multiple someones.
They may or may not be extraterrestrial. They may have been here sharing the Earth with us all along. They could, in fact, be us, from our future. Or they could share the multiverse with us.
Meanwhile, pilots and military men and women are coming forward in greater numbers, bravely confirming their experiences encountering exotic technology that performs maneuvers that are far beyond our current abilities. Like speeding far beyond what we can manage, instantly, then stopping just as fast, many miles away in bits of seconds, and hovering, then doing it again. Whoever builds these objects knows far more about physics than any of the world’s militaries.
Now imagine that these Others seem interested in our nuclear weapons.
- You could argue that they come in peace and, more than that, they’re here to help us by making sure we don’t nuke ourselves into extinction and take the planet with us. Yes, that is a fine argument.
- You could also argue that they come for purposes that may not take into consideration our rights as people and as human society to exist, flaws and all, and are surveying our nuclear assets in order to defeat them at a time of their choosing. That, too, is a fine argument.
This is why we urgently need to share the facts we know and the data we have accumulated on this topic. We need to discern as rapidly as possible the source of these vehicles and the intent of their operators.
If they’re here as enemies, this will not be easy. If they’re here as friends, it will still be a deeply disorienting and astonishingly profound moment in Earth history.
Questions Without Answers
Are the rumors that the government has been heavily involved in this subterfuge since 1947 true? Is the reason for the secrecy because we know the true intent behind these incursions and it is terrifying beyond human comprehension? Or was the secrecy because we still know nothing at all about our visitors or how their vehicles work? Or should we blame a reason we might never guess?
Why, after seven decades of probable interaction and study, do we still have so many public questions?
Official denial and public ridicule of UFOs has been the reality during most people’s entire lives. It worked better than anyone had ever imagined. The story held. They got away with it. Until the day after tomorrow or the day after that. The smart money is on sooner over later.
If it’s going to end, we are going to have deeper questions than just getting the whole story about the Navy encounters. We are going to ask what was it all for? Why was this historical injury of keeping the entire world population in the dark done to us by our own kind? Could our leaders have been acting under orders from these visitors?
The reporting in The New York Times has said that the government has been investigating UFOs in more ways and for more years than they have ever admitted. More shocking, Leslie Kean and Ralph Blumenthal quote what they say are reliable and highly classified sources who say outright that crash wreckage exists of off-world technology.
That’s how far we’ve come — “crash wreckage exists of off-world technology” — in less than three years since the Navy videos came out, exposed by the TTSA, To the Stars Academy. It raises so many questions, not the least of which is why is a rock star the frontman for this Disclosure concert?
If this assessment of unearthly crash debris is true, why is it considered a violation of national security simply to state its truth? Saying that we have recovered other-worldly vehicles is not the same as having to share the details of any attempts we have made to reverse-engineer them. And what about bodies? If they existed, how did it enhance national security not to share them with the world’s medical and scientific communities for study? What has been learned by the managers of this long-held secret?
You see where this is going. Disclosure that we’re not alone inevitably leads to the realization that some of us (first in government, then in private enterprise) have known some portion of the truth for many years and lied about it. That’s a hard pill to swallow for the public.
Congressional Hearings
The Congress seems on an eventual path to multiple committee hearings in both the Senate and the House, under the guise of national security, the issue that’s unlocked support in high places.
Military pilots and radar operators will play a key role in these early ones. Scores more witnesses to sightings will come in. This stage of testimony will be focused on threat. Why do these objects buzz our Carrier Strike Forces, shut off our nuclear weapons, and show such an interest in our military capabilities?
These hearings, once they exhaust the possibility of US, Russian or Chinese technology, will then have to pivot to the obvious question. If these unidentified objects are not ours, then whose are they?
More questions then. What do they want with us? Are we safe? Do some of them actually live here on Earth?
The hearings will then expand. Fast. The public will be demanding answers.
They’ll add their own impertinent questions. Are these stories of alien abduction true? How widespread is it? Why are there so many different types ranging from classic saucers to Tic Tacs to giant triangles? What in the world is going on here?
We are, realistically, as little as a year from this kind of open debate and not much more than three under any scenario. This is on.
Sooner or later, these congressional hearings are going to get real teeth. Committee chairs will want subpoena power to bring in witnesses. And they’ll demand the power to grant immunity, as needed, to get to the larger truths.
Some of this will be conducted behind closed doors in classified meetings. Some of it will be for show, and what a show it will be.
The Whole World Is Watching
Some of these hearings are going to be televised. Americans of a certain age remember the Senate Watergate Hearings. They will seem small compared to what is to come. The new hearings — about UFOs — will go on months, then become nearly permanent, as billions of people worldwide watch them.
It won’t be just the U.S. Senate and House. The United Nations will get into the act and countries like Russia, China, the United Kingdom, France, Brazil and others will start their own investigations.
While much is unpredictable, it’s likely that Republicans and Democrats will figure out a way to be on different sides. The GOP seems likely to do a callback to Reagan’s famous “Trust, but Verify” policy. How will Democrats frame their response?
In the end, however, their grandstanding and arguing will still expose a central fact that changes everything.
They’re Already Here
We don’t have to listen for radio signals from space to have a conversation, despite what S.E.T.I. proponents would like us to believe. They’re here already, whoever they are. Hiding in plain sight for seven decades during which we convinced ourselves that they did not exist.
Whoever these Others truly are, they have had the power to demonstrate their reality to our entire planet in a more straightforward way that has gone on for 73 years. The secrecy was their choice, too. They could have ended it any time they wanted to and they have not done so. So, there is one thing that Humans and Others already can be know to have agreed upon, it is that they both think the presence of a Phenomenon is best not brought up the unwashed masses.
It will be obvious that only the tip of a cosmically large iceberg has been seen, but the glimpse offered will prove the off-world nature of what we are facing. Something strange has been going on and we are very late to the party in acknowledging it.
There’s no slowing it down. The global conversation will go straight to the non-human intelligence lane and hit the gas pedal.
Naturally, outside of those hearings rooms, the world is going to be freaking out. We might still be wearing masks and social distancing when this is picking up steam, the economy may be shaky, the Earth’s systems may be in greater spasm, but the cherry on top is going to be aliens.
The best choice for this country is to have an epiphany on a societal level, one that recognizes that things have changed and we need to change as well. We will need to see less red and blue, and more gray.
Some of us might be angry about the deceptions we’ll be learning about. There will be real protests, not cute Facebook parties outside Area 51, but ones full of content and passion. Some people involved in the architecture of the cover-up are going to jail. Others are going to be state’s witnesses and fess up to some uncomfortable truths before the entire world.
Our institutions will writhe with change. Education, health care, science, culture, law, the military, government. Everything and everybody, already shocked by pandemic and injustice, will be shocked again and profoundly so.
An even more chaotic path is that someone important just blurts out the truth in the days ahead and changes the entire conversation. It could be a former president on his death-bed, Putin angling for calculated gain, Trump trying to make himself the center of attention, or even the Pope wanting his Church to stay in the thick of the action. It could be anybody big enough to set off a chain reaction. Even Oprah could light that match in a Tweet.
In that case, rather than official hearings slowly peeling the onion for us to see the layers that this secret has been hidden behind, we’ll get into it all at once. Official hearings will not lead the discussion then, but they’ll scramble to follow, and channel some of the public rage that might be building.
So, whatever the specifics, the B.C. (Before Confirmation) world will soon cease to be and we will then be in the A.D. (After Disclosure) world.
And that’s just the beginning of the beginning. We may find that the world is not only stranger than we imagine, it is stranger than we can imagine.
What we do know is this. Whatever is interacting with us, it’s been intensifying for seven decades. We are now about to start this global conversation together. The decisions we make could literally be life and death.
Humanity’s survival in what may be a crowded universe requires less fighting with each other and bold action as a species.
It’s an important time to be alive.
People get ready.