Odd creature sighting reported in Ohio
Police in Ohio responded to a rather curious call this week from a person claiming to have spotted a small bipedal creature lurking in a state park. The eyebrow-raising report was relayed to officers from the county sheriff's office in the community of Athens on Wednesday. According to a Facebook post from the department, an unnamed individual at the park phoned them with concerns about what was described as "suspicious activity."
When officers from the department arrived on the scene, the unnamed individual told them that a person across the lake at the park had been shining a red light at them. However, that bit of strangeness paled in comparison to what the witness said happened next. "A short time later," wrote the sheriff's office, "they observed a bipedal creature around 3 to 4 feet tall walking near them and looking their direction." The report went on to say that "they were uncertain as to what it was but did not believe it to be a person."
Alas, a patrol of the area turned up no sign of any person nor any mysterious creature. While one might be tempted to ponder if perhaps the bipedal creature could have been a Bigfoot, the diminutive size of the animal seems to preclude that possibility unless it was a juvenile Sasquatch. Meanwhile, members of the sheriff's office Facebook page have offered other tongue-in-check suggestions such as an alien or a mini-Mothman. Unfortunately, unless the witness comes forward with additional details as to what they saw, the case may remain a mystery.