New York boy's interesting interaction with large pale humanoid

A boy in Ontario County, NY had an interesting encounter with a large pale humanoid, who he found in his family's horse barn one night. He interacted with the being, and it never show aggression.

A reader on Reddit contacted me and forwarded the following:

"I’ve copied my encounter, below. I posted it over a year ago but didn’t get much response. The story you recently posted, about the group of friends encountering the tall pale humanoids in Ontario County, NY - my experience took place about 10 minutes (drive) from there. I’m curious if any of the storytellers are on Reddit and would be interested in chatting? I’m also curious to know if you have any thoughts.

I’ve struggled with the idea of sharing my experience, mostly because I don’t know if it actually happened or if it was just a dream.

One night in the summer, when I was about 10 or 11, I was awake in the middle of the night and I could hear the horses running around the pasture as if something had happened. I decided to get up and go check on things. At that time my family had a massive old barn and we lived in the middle of nowhere. I walked through the door of the barn and found a very large “man”, as white as snow, climbing into the hayloft. I remember being startled but not scared. He turned around, looked at me, and slowly lowered himself back. He took a few steps before he knelt down and put out his hand (like one would do with a stray animal). As I looked at him I felt like he looked sad and tired, and not at all like he would do me any harm. I decided to take his hand and walk him toward our “kids' hang-out space” which was just a space in the barn where we had some old couches, a few toys, and a radio. As soon as he saw the radio he became more animated, ran towards it, and started messing around with it. 

That went on for a bit and I kept asking him what he needed the radio for. He never said a word. Not one word. He wouldn’t give me a name so I started calling him “Radio.” After some time he sat the radio down and sat down on the couch. I brought over my favorite horse book and started thumbing through the pages, showing him all of my favorite horse breeds. 

Eventually, he gently took the book from me and closed it as if to say “I’m done.” I got up to put the book away and he lay down on the couch. I remember him being so large that his head was on the armrest while his legs hung over the other armrest, at the knee. He was a giant. Pure white and I don’t recall any hair. His eyes were jet black but they weren’t huge or angular. If anything they slanted downward and were beady. After he fell asleep I decided to go back in the house and go to bed, but I put a blanket over him before I went in.

I woke up in the morning and the whole experience came flooding back to me. My feet were dirty as if I had been outside during the night. I grabbed some snacks and ran out to the barn. I ran to our hangout space and found everything as I would have expected it. The blanket was on the floor, the book was sitting on the table, and the radio was out of place. But he was gone.

It’s important to know that I had a habit of sleepwalking at this time in my life, so it’s possible that this was all just a dream. At first, I thought he was just a very strange person and I hoped he found safety. The memory never left me and by the time I was a teen I had decided that I dreamed the whole thing and let it go. Then the film 'Prometheus' came out and I agreed to go see it with friends. When the tall white alien came on the screen I nearly jumped out of my seat. It wasn’t an exact likeness but it was like seeing a ghost.

At the time, I knew absolutely nothing about aliens and the only one I had ever heard of was the classic “little green men.” Nonetheless, I forced myself to let it go and move on. That memory could not be real so I must have dreamed it.

As time passed I started wondering how I could have imagined a being that I had never heard of? Could that have really happened? Could 'Radio' be real?

Has anyone else had an experience like this? IM5"


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Thanks. Lon

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By Lon Strickler / Author Fortean Researcher

Publisher of the syndicated 'Phantoms and Monsters' blog - Host at 'Arcane Radio' - Spiritual Intuitive at 'Astral Perceptions Universal'

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(Source:; February 8, 2023;
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