Mysterious, large 'orbs' hover in daytime sky over Kansas city

A really amazing sighting of two very large, very bright, circular orbs hovering and moving across the daytime sky over Kansas City, Missouri on June 20th, 2019, has been uploaded to YouTube.

A plane passes under a mysterious, bright-shining light in the daytime sky

UFO orb up close

Many people, including the witness, suggest that these UFOs could be balloons. Not party balloons, of course. But DARPA's stratospheric balloons, or "adaptable lighter than air (ALTA)" vehicles, which can fly as high as 75,000 feet and also navigate the wind. As their name suggests, these balloons literally hover around in the stratosphere. To compare, an average commercial plane will only fly as high as 25-35,000 feet.

DARPA's stratopsheric balloons, which have wind-borne navigation (image credit:

Another theory is that these UFOs could be two of Google's "loon balloons," which also fly up to the stratosphere.

Google Loon balloon launch event in Christchurch (Photo credit: Doug Coldwell on Flickr)

There's a problem with these theories, though. The balloons made by DARPA and Google are big, but not bigger than a commercial airplane. Google's loon balloons are "50 feet wide by 40 feet high," while a typical passenger airplane has a wingspan of around 100 feet. In the YouTube video, the UFOs seem larger than the planes below them, but the eye and the camera can play tricks!

According to, it is possible to see a Google loon balloon with the naked eye while standing on the ground, but not likely. If you did see one, it would appear as a "small white dot."

What do you see in the video? UFOs or stratospheric balloons? Weigh in on this mystery in the comments or on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. GLURP the Alien and I always enjoy hearing from you!


By Jane Kyle / UFO Researcher

Jane Kyle is the UFO researcher and writer behind TexasUFOs, having documented over 1,000 local and worldwide UFO sightings since beginning the site in 2012. With a journalism degree from the University of Texas at Austin, a 10-year career in freelance writing (film, travel, and fashion among other topics) and online marketing, and an addiction to exploring the unknown, she offers up a unique perspective on the subject matter. Jane lives with her husband, son, three dogs, and cat(!) in her home state of Texas, and is definitely not an alien hybrid.

Follow UFOJane and GLURP the Alien in search for the truth about UFOs and aliens...and also catch up with them them on "The Weird UFO Show!"

(Source:; August 3, 2019;
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