Eoin O’Faodhagain saw the hump emerge from the water in Loch Ness near Urquhart Castle Eoin O’Faodhagain saw the hump emerge from the water in Loch Ness near Urquhart Castle

'Monster' caught on camera from deepest part of Loch Ness as 'bumper year for sightings' predicted

The mysterious black creature was seen emerging from the water in Loch Ness

A mysterious black presence emerges from the deepest part of Loch Ness in tantalizing new footage – and experts say it “could well be Nessie” herself.

Eoin O’Faodhagain, fro Co Donegal in Ireland, spotted the “weird” presence in the waters near Urquhart Castle while watching the loch via webcam on Wednesday morning.

He said: “I noticed a hump-like object at the right-hand side of the screen, moving down the middle of the loch. At times, it seemed to be higher out of the water, at other times lower. It moved briskly with no visible wake, but the waters of the loch were not calm.

“I thought it was a most unusual sight – it neither plowed through the water like a boat with an engine, nor sailed through. Weather conditions were dry, but windy with a swell, and because of this, I don't think it is a paddleboarder. Weird is an understatement.”

He continued: “Its motion and appearance seemed weird, and I felt excited – like this shape in the water may be something else more mysterious.

“I do not think the hump is a seal – certainly it’s not the behavior of one. I think it could well be Nessie, after exhausting all other possibilities.”

The webcam that captured the footage sits on the loch’s western shore and is maintained by Mikko Takala of Nessie on the Net.

Mr O’Faodhagain reckoned the hump was roughly a kilometer from the camera, and was therefore maybe 10 feet long, and standing four feet out of the water.

“I am not aware of any known creatures that could be that size in Loch Ness,” he said.

A veteran Nessie hunter, Eoin often logs on to watch the water from his home in Co Donegal. Just three weeks ago, he recorded another potential Nessie sighting in the same place – and he thinks it’s no coincidence.

The 59-year-old said: “I think it is significant that it is the second sighting in quick succession in the same area of something large in Loch Ness.

“In my opinion, it is no accident that this area is the deepest part of the Loch, with a prior history of repeated monster sightings over many years. It may be another bumper year for sightings.”

The Nessie on the Net webcams can be seen at www.lochness.co.uk


By Laura Colgan / IrishStar.com Content Editor

Laura is a content editor with IrishStar.com. She previously worked as an assistant news editor with the Irish Daily Star newspaper in Dublin. She's now based in New York.

(Source: irishstar.com; May 10, 2024; https://tinyurl.com/27bkjwt2)
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