Military witness experiences possible abduction and contact with extraterrestrial, Tennessee
Occurred: 2024-10-09 02:05 Local
Reported: 2024-11-25 19:52 Pacific
Duration: 1 hour
No of observers: 1 - Military
Location: Clarksville, TN, USA
Shape: Unknown
Viewed From: Land
Angle of Elevation: 45
Characteristics: Possible abduction, Missing Time, Animals reacted
Direct contact in my home on October 9th.
I am a resident of Clarksville, TN. On the morning of October 9th, 2024 I was awoken at approximately 1:50 a.m. by one of my dogs, who was barking and growling . This type of behavior was unusual. My bedroom is upstairs and initially I shouted downstairs, where he sleeps in his kennel, for him to be quiet. He did quiet momentarily and I attempted to go back to sleep. Just minutes later, he began again, so I went downstairs under the assumption that maybe he heard an animal outside and if I let him out to use the bathroom that he would calm down. I walked outside with the dogs for a few minutes and let them do their business.
Once we returned inside, I went back upstairs to my bedroom. At approximately 2:05 a.m., as I lay in my bed with my eyes closed, frustrated that my sleep has been disturbed, suddenly something moves between me and the light on my bedside table. This small salt lamp cast a soft glow throughout my room, but the quality of light that was visible through my eyelids, was completely blocked out as something moved past me. Instantly, I was aware that something was in my room with me. Simultaneously I was able to recognize that in order for something to move between myself and the lamp, that it would have come through the second story, northwest exterior wall of my home.
Immediately, I was frozen, unable to move, eyes still closed, and was being communicated with telepathically. Faster than the adrenaline could dump into my bloodstream, I was calmed and reassured that there was nothing to be fearful of.
Up until this point, I had always thought telepathy would be like hearing words in your head. This is not how it occured. The best way that I can explain would be simply going from a state of not knowing, to a state of knowing instantaneously . There were also some visual impressions that assisted in this communication. I could feel a being very close to my face at my bedside. It was moving back and forth centimeters away from my face.
It was communicated that our two races have a symbiotic relationship. They shared that aeons ago, they were just like us. And just as we have, that they advanced very quickly technologically. There was a technology that was developed at some point (they did not share what this specific technology was) that was integrated in such a foundational way, that once they realized that the technology was degrading their biology, it was irreversible.
They communicated that our species serves as a "wellspring" to which they can return to retrieve their own "essence", which we carry. It was made known to me that this interaction would be an exchange.
The first part of this exchange would be a service for me "a gift"--that my physical body in its current state would not facilitate further expansion of consciousness. The visual was provided to me of a light switch being turned from the off position to the on position. This process, I would be allowed to remember, and was told that using my discernment I would share this experience, which would serve as a "touchstone" to others.
The second part of the exchange would be a "harvest" of this "essence", but I would not be allowed to retain the memory of this. It was made known that the process is outside of what the human mind can comprehend and that I lack the vocabulary to explain such a thing. I was shown that they would use my own endocrine system to facilitate the process, using endorphins, hormones and the like to keep me in a pain free and tranquil state. There was to be no pain, but I would still have sensation and it was described that there would be discomfort.
My body began to move, without being physically touched and was realigned straight in the bed, with my arms to my side. My eyes were opened. Being that my eyes were not opened until I was repositioned straight on my back, I never saw the being at my bedside. I could only see the vague shape in my peripheral vision to my right.
But the being which stood at the foot of my bed I was able to see clearly. I knew it was male, yet I'm not quite sure how I knew that. It was unclothed, but I saw no genitalia. He was approximately 6 feet tall, with large almond shaped black eyes, which were deep set. The nose and mouth were small in proportion to the other features and I was unable to identify any outer ear tissue. The cranium was slightly larger. The lower jaw was very narrow. There was a raised pattern in the center of the forehead and the skin appeared blue. He was standing with his elbows out, forearms parallel to the floor with his hands joined at the center of the chest, fingers extended, but not touching.
There was a palpable energy coming from him. The room itself felt like it was humming.
This process began and he used energy, which felt like a laser focused beam ranging from the bottom of my sternum to the center of my head. As this energy was introduced to my body it was lower intensity, it was rippling through my entire body and was radiating out through my extremities. I would almost describe it as pleasurable at first. I was not fearful at this point. As it ascended to my chest it became significantly more intense and was pulsating. The vibration made it feel like I was working harder to breathe. Moving up toward my throat, again it intensified even more and the vibration was becoming so intense that I started to panic. The focused energy settled in the very center of my head and was so intense that it was as if my brain were rattling around in my skull. I became terrified and confident that my body would not survive this process. I began to hear a shrill tone inside my head, which kept building and building. I felt as though my eyeballs were bulging and my eardrums were bursting. At the moment when this sound reached the highest pitch imaginable a large round intricate piece of geometry formed in the air between where he stood and where I lay in the bed. I tried to scream but could not in this paralyzed state.
Suddenly, I am in another room, outside of my home, ying on a table, and am being repositioned again. My eyes are heavy and are closing involuntarily and I am losing consciousness. I only see a blurry image of a white wall and where it meets the ceiling. Then what seemed like a fraction of a second later, I am sitting on my bed, looking around my room, expecting them to still be there, but I am alone.
The looked at the alarm clock which sat on the bedside table next to the lamp. It was frozen at 18:88 and the batteries had been affected. I reached for my phone which shows it was 3:09 a.m.
I am an artist and have painted the one being which I saw. Please note that the pyramid depicted in his hands is only symbolic of the geometry that I witnessed that night. But which was so complex and intricate and was visualized for such a brief moment that I would never be able to recreate it.