Mass sighting of mystery orb over Texas

February 2017 (mainly the night of February 22nd). All over Texas, including Cypress (Houston area), Irving, Dallas Fort Worth, Copper Canyon. Bright white star-like object hovering and also making slight movements.

Multiple reports of an extremely bright mystery "star" or orb in the sky have been getting reported online from Texas, and even other parts of the country. The "star" is reported to move and spin, and in some cases was reported as eventually traveling off into the distance at a high rate of speed and vanishing:

Cypress Feb 22

Cypress Feb 22

Irving Feb 17

Eyewitness account:

"We had to video this strange object in the sky. It was definitely NOT an airplane. The object moved from side to side and up and down. It would go from bright to dim and back to bright again." - Montgomery County

"It never moved very much. It was spinning and had structural design. Very similar to ufo's on tv. I felt very curious about it. Called my wife, she went outside and saw it too. I was also with my friend who witnessed it also. " - Cypress

"I thought it was over the airport, but to my knowledge, it didn't interrupt aircraft landing and departing. I believe this because I called someone who works on the ramp for AA to see if the operation had been interrupted, and they said it hadn't. i drove by the airport chasing the object until it outdistanced us, and aircraft were landing to the north, taking off to the south. which means i couldn't have mistaken this as an airplane approaching the airport. i am east airport" - John in Irving

"...this time there was a smaller object flying around it very fast and heading to the orb. Once it was near, the orb started rotating and spinning at a high rate of speed and it made the little object disappear. It's like the mouth of the orb drew it in." - Laredo

"very bright went slowly across sky then vanished two witnesses very strange" - James in Copper Canyon





By Jane Kyle / UFO Researcher

Jane Kyle is the UFO researcher and writer behind TexasUFOs, having documented over 1,000 local and worldwide UFO sightings since beginning the site in 2012. With a journalism degree from the University of Texas at Austin, a 10-year career in freelance writing (film, travel, and fashion among other topics) and online marketing, and an addiction to exploring the unknown, she offers up a unique perspective on the subject matter. Jane lives with her husband, son, three dogs, and cat(!) in her home state of Texas, and is definitely not an alien hybrid.

Follow UFOJane and GLURP the Alien in search for the truth about UFOs and aliens...and also catch up with them them on "The Weird UFO Show!"

(Source:; February 24, 2017;
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