Lyran feline race

The Felines are a bipedal race that stand 12 to 16 feet tall. Their skin is covered by a sort of soft fuzz, and though they don’t have fur, they do have manes and both the males and females have long hair.

Their eye color ranges from blue to gold and can change from blue to gold as they mature. They also turn from a golden brown color to white.

The overall Feline temperament is warm, sanguine and intellectual. As they mature they take on more of a somber, introspective and gentle nature. The elders are revered for the wisdom, compassion and insight.

As a race they are extremely close and have a great sense of fair play. The females are revered and honored in equal status with the males. And true to the feline way, they are all very curious and inquisitive.

Source of information:



By Universe Inside You / youtube channel

My name is Stefan Dimitrov and I’m the person behind “Universe Inside You”.

I’m 22 years old and I live in Sofia, Bulgaria.

My goal is to spread knowledge and information to you and help you expand your consciousness and guide you in your journey.

Here you will grow your Spiritual, Esoteric, Psychological, Philosophical and Extraterrestrial knowledge with videos and articles on all of these topics.

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(Source:; June 1, 2017; NLDcGIx0ymE)
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