Low flying Kansas triangle caught on camera

A Kansas witness at Hesston reported watching a silent, triangle-shaped object just above 500 feet with three white lights at its points and one red light centered on its bottom, according to testimony in Case 93741 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The witness was sitting in his company parking lot watching cloud lightning as a storm passed at 5:35 a.m. on July 29, 2018.

“Noticed lights coming into view out of driver window above car,” the witness stated. “Spent a few minutes trying to make out what it was. Traveling roughly at 5 knots. A couple flashes of cloud lightning in the distance showed the shape of the triangle with no facets or edge differences of any of the three sides, three straight lines only. Continued to follow storm until view was obstructed by parking lot lights. Moved slow and in a perfect straight line. I had no assumption of what it was, thought possibly a life watch helicopter until the rest of the lights came into view. No sound that I heard.”

Witness image credit MUFONWitness image credit MUFON

MUFON Kansas State Director Stan Seba closed this case as an Unknown Aerial Vehicle.

“Dark triangular object that reflected light, appeared solid, and had an outline,” Seba wrote in his report. “The surface was dark, with no structural features. Actual size is indeterminate. The object had white lights with one red light in the center with dark surfaces. The exterior lights were unwavering.  The elevation of the object was above 500 feet. The object was at least 501 feet away to one mile away from the witness. Object flew in a straight-line path. Object was first and last seen in the northeast by east direction.”

Hesston is a city in Harvey County, Kansas, population 3,709.


By Roger Marsh / UFO Writer

His “UFO Traffic Reports” published more than 7,000 times in web and print formats since 2009 covering the best new UFO cases of interest. He is the author of two annual editions of UFO Cases of Interest in 2018 and 2019 covering more than 500 best cases. He was a case researcher for the History channel’s “Hangar 1: The UFO Files.” His UFO case and media content research have appeared on multiple networks including History, Travel, Science, A&E, Discovery+, and Destination America. He has worked with many print, radio, and television network news affiliates domestically and abroad.

(Source: mufon.com; December 22, 2018; http://tinyurl.com/ya6ybjlt)
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