Life after suicide: A message for humanity

Abandoned by his mother and left in a garbage dump, unwanted and raised with brutality, Chris Batts tried to end his life by jumping from a moving vehicle. As he explains in his book his life had become so painful because he lived without love. On the Other Side, he communicated with Source, was shown Angels, and was given a message for humanity. Today he works with students with special needs and spends his life reminding people of the importance of love.


Robert Schwartz, author of "Your Soul's Plan" writes:
"I wish to take away the traditional judgment about suicide, that it is the gravest sin. God or Spirit does not feel that way. God has the greatest compassion for people who take their lives in despair. There is always help available for them on the other side. They are never abandoned.”

He gives details of Cameron, a young man that he contacted through an excellent medium:
"Upon returning to spirit, he was greeted by loving guides, who nurtured and supported him through a process of emotional healing and through some very difficult conversations with Carolyn [the boy's mother] which occurred in her sleep state. Importantly, and contrary to what some religions teach, Cameron told us that he was never punished in any way for having taken his life. He did not go to some sort of “Hell,” nor did he wander endlessly in a limbo state. Instead, he briefly experienced some confusion and disorientation when he first crossed over but he quickly saw his guides, who escorted him Home.” Read the full article


By Victor Zammit / Afterlife Lawyer

Victor James Zammit, B.A.Grad. Dip.Ed. M.A. LL.B. Ph.D worked as an attorney in the Local Courts, District and Supreme Courts in Sydney Australia. For many years his main interest was in human rights and social justice. Around 1990 he began to experience spontaneous clairvoyance and clairaudience which led him to begin a systematic investigation of the afterlife. He was astonished to discover a hidden world of research that he felt provided overwhelming evidence for life after death. Since that time his priority has been sharing his discoveries on this website where an earlier version of this book was viewed by more than a million people.

(Source:; March 24, 2023;
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