Large silent triangular UFO/UAP observed over Latrobe, Pennsylvania

August 3, 2023 - The drawing of the triangle shaped object observed in the Latrobe, PA area on August 3, 2023. The drawing is used with permission of the witness.

I received a phone call from a man on August 3, 2023, at 9:57 PM. He wanted to tell me about something he saw at about 2 AM early that morning. He has trouble sleeping so he often takes early morning walks. He was walking several blocks from the downtown section of Latrobe. This area is in the vicinity of the Chestnut Ridge that has a long history of UFO and cryptid encounters.

The witness noticed a series of lights in the sky coming from the Ligonier area and moving west toward Latrobe. He assumed it was an aircraft. As the lights got closer, he observed a large solid dark  and shiny triangular object that was approaching close to his location. At the bottom, the object had one white non-blinking round light on each corner, and one larger non-blinking round red light in the center. Along the side were five small white non blinking lights. The witness estimated the length of the object to have been about 100 to 200 feet from point to point.

The object that was moving slowly but steadily and moving slower than an aircraft. At times there appeared to be some skipping or jittering in its movements or even slightl pivoting. There were no markings visible on the object as it passed over. The object passed overhead at about 1500 feet. The object was completely silent. The object continued to move slowly in the direction of Greensburg.

The man aimed his phone camera at the object to take video. He saw the image on his phone screen. When he got home to look at the video, there was no video footage. He has no idea why it didn’t record. The total observation was about 3 minutes.


This observation is very similar to the object reported on July 29th in the Mount Pleasant, PA area. Latrobe is about 16 miles from the Mount Pleasant area.


By Stan Gordon / Field Investigator Researcher Writer

Stan Gordon was trained as an electronics technician who specialized in radio communications. He worked in the advanced consumer electronics sales field for over forty years. Stan has lived in Greensburg, Pennsylvania all of his life. Gordon began his interest in the UFO subject and other strange incidents at the age of ten in 1959. In the late 1960’s, he acted as the telephone UFO sighting report investigations coordinator for the UFO Research Institute of Pittsburgh.

Stan began in the field investigations of UFOs and other mysterious events in 1965, and is the primary investigator of the December 9,1965, UFO crash-recovery incident that occurred near Kecksburg, Pennsylvania. In 1969, Gordon established a UFO Hot-line for the public to report UFO sightings to him to investigate.

He appeared on The Close Encounters series on the Science Channel, Monsters & Mysteries in America on the Destination America Channel, Monumental Mysteries on the Travel Channel, In Search of Aliens on H2, and UFO Conspiracies on the Science Channel.

For updated reports on UFO sightings and other strange incidents, as well as upcoming lectures and other events check out Stan’s website:

(Source:; August 4, 2023;
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