Large cryptid wolves block & shake vehicle on Manitoba road

A Canadian military man encounters cryptid wolves while driving back to his camp near Douglas, Manitoba. One creature sits in the middle of the road, while another lifts up the back of the car!

I recently received the following account:

"This happened in 1960 or 1961 near Douglas, Manitoba on the road to Camp Shilo, which would now be the 340 highway. My future uncle Ron was in the military and was dating my aunty at the time who lived with us in a little hamlet called Douglas, Manitoba. He and my dad were both in the military at the time.

Apparently, on his way back on the road to Camp Shilo after visiting my aunty one evening, he had an encounter with what he described as a very large wolf-like thing sitting in the middle of the road. It would not move, so he stopped and it just sat there. All of a sudden, his car was shaken as "something" was at the backside area of his car. This animal or thing then lifted his back end and dropped it. My uncle was so petrified as he said whatever it was, it was huge.  He could not see it in his rearview mirror but he knew it had to have been another one of those wolf-like things.

The other wolf creature in the road in front of the car had disappeared and so my uncle just gunned it out of there not looking back as he was terrified. He did not believe in the supernatural, but he said he knew what he saw and felt that night. He thought it was a wolf but he wasn't really sure what it was. All he knows is that it looked like a huge wolf.

I was very little at the time and he told my mother what happened as he knew she believed in the supernatural.


I'm just wondering if anybody else around that time in that area had any encounters such as this. I've searched but can't find anything." LE

NOTE: This encounter is similar to other incident descriptions from southern Ontario and the Niagara area. Many times these cryptid wolves are seen along the road, especially at night or during a snowstorm. Very weird. If anyone has information or thoughts, please contact me. Lon

Have you had a sighting or encounter?

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Thanks. Lon

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By Lon Strickler / Author Fortean Researcher

Publisher of the syndicated 'Phantoms and Monsters' blog - Host at 'Arcane Radio' - Spiritual Intuitive at 'Astral Perceptions Universal'

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(Source:; November 15, 2022;
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