Jellyfish UFO creature Masson, Quebec, Canada 1990

A witness, accompanied by his wife, his children and a 15-year old teenager, friend of the family, was traveling in his vehicle near Masson, Quebec, Canada.

Oct 6 1990 6:30pm during daylight along the Ottawa River.

He maintained a speed of about 95km (60 mph). Near a local farm, he sees at 1500 feet before him a strange object floating in the air at an altitude of approximately 50 feet, He hoots the car horn in order to attract the attention of the object. This maneuver apparently succeeds as the object suddenly stops moving.

At first glance the object resembles a sort of ( jelly fish) balloon with two legs, according to the witness ‘not normal in appearance’. The object then starts moving towards the east on the south side of the road. When the vehicle reaches a point under the object the witness attempts to keep an eye on it he then mentions what he saw to the rest of the car’s occupants. After 300 meters (1000 ft) he turns around and sees the object but this time on the other side of the road. He accelerates to a high speed in order to catch up to the object.

At this point his family begins to get nervous and asks him what was going on. At this point the object drops altitude; the others are now fascinated by the sight of the object but are not worried. He drives for another 1/2 Mile and ends up almost leaving the road. He accelerates at 115km(70mph)

hooting the car’s horn again still trying to attract the attention of the object. Now for the 2nd time the object stops moving again. During the chase the object appeared to move at a speed faster or comparable to a normal speeding vehicle.

Later the reported wind conditions and other factors seems to have ruled out a stray balloon. By this time this the car came to a sudden complete stop, slowing down softly like a boat in the water.

The object is now hovering on the side of the road near some electrical pylons. At this point the top section of the object suddenly rotates on its axis but the legs do not move. . The top or head are of an indefinable color that was close to brown yellow. Somewhere towards the top of the object a very intense red light now appears. The witnesses describe the light as ‘unearthly, something that they had never seen before’. All eyes were now riveted on the red light emanating from the ‘creature’. Not a word is exchanged in the car. Children, who were previously indifferent are now petrified. The wife then said, “look at its belly’; (at this point all the witnesses were convinced that the object was alive). The witnesses looked at the belly section and noticed that it was bright with a mixture of lime green. Then the red light decreases in intensity and then the witnesses realize that the red light had originated from a pair of two very large round eyes.

The whole creature was about 6ft high. The eyes were about the size of a ‘cup of coffee’. This was the only occasion that the creature was seen from the front. When the red light is extinguished, the creature resumes its course away towards some fields. The main witness recalls that at the point when the red light became intense, he felt a sort of message saying, ‘leave me in peace’. His wife confirms that she clearly felt the same message. The children did not hear or sence it. He then again accelerates his car and eventually catches up with the creature after about 3 miles. The creature maintains a parallel course and moves at the same speed as the vehicle.

Now closer to the town of Thurso the witness takes a dirt road that leads him into a field, he turns around and stops the vehicle to watch the creature. At this point the children begin to giggle as they saw a scene of the creature had come to rest over a herd of cows in the field and ‘somersaults’ over the herd, scattering the startled cows around in record time.

At this point police officers had arrived at the scene and began pursuing the creature and entering the village of Thurso they lose sight of it.

They then turn left on the 317 and immediately see it again. There are not alone, half a dozen vehicles are now parked, and people are standing on the pavement watching the strange spectacle in the sky. It is now approximately 50 meters (150ft) above the ground and when crossing the road it rotates slowly on its axis. At this point the main witness is tired and just wants to get back to Masson. The creature eventually disappears from sight towards the north.


Albert S Rosales FROM VIA HC addendum Jean Casault CEIPI


By Albert S. Rosales / Unusual Phenomena Researcher

Born in Cuba, migrated to the US in 1966.
Had several unusual incidents as a young man while living inCuba, such incidents continued as an adult here in the US. Became interested in unusual phenomena and UFOs at a young age but soon directed my focus to the crux of the phenomena, the Humanoids, entities, extraterrestrials, Ufonauts, etc. Began collecting data on such encounters from worldwide sources in the late 80's. Have a current
database of over 18,000 entries which is updated and corrected daily have published four books so far, and expecting more soon.

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