Hyper-sonic triangle sighted over Louisiana

December 21, 2020 2:15 AM

Case 112828: The Ursids meteor shower begins annually around December 17 and runs for a week plus, until the 25th or 26th. In attempting to watch the meteor shower over Slidell, Louisiana, Bradley [last name withheld] and Tara witnessed something far different and much more exciting. 

Ursids meteor shower 2019

Flying at hyper-sonic speed from one horizon to another, the pair saw a dark, triangle-shaped craft fly directly overhead. The entire event lasted approximately three seconds. But in that short time, they could see three, dim white lights more or less in the corners of the craft. See Bradley’s drawing below. Surrounding each white light was a dark pattern as shown in his drawing. Given the velocity and altitude, estimated to be 10,000 feet, they obviously could see no other structural details.

Bradley's drawing of the triangular craft

Bradley’s description of the object follows:

“My girlfriend and I were in the park looking for shooting stars from the Ursids meteor shower. We were oriented toward the west from where the meteors [are normally] emitted. From the southwest a triangle-shaped craft crossed directly over our heads traveling at a very high rate of speed, making no sound and continued to the northeast until [it was] out of our sight. It was dark with 3 dim white lights traveling at an estimated speed of 20,000 mph. The object was at an estimated height of 10,000 feet. The duration of the event was less than 3 seconds.”

Case Disposition: Assigned (to MUFON field investigators) This case is under investigation by MUFON and does not yet have a determination as to its authenticity.


By T.L.Keller / MUFON Investigator
(Source: mufon.com ; January 8, 2021; https://tinyurl.com/yd8rtrq9)
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