Huge 'ferret-like humanoid' appears in Naguabo, Puerto Rico Barrio

After several UFO sightings and other odd activity, a huge ferret-like humanoid appears in the El Duque barrio of Naguabo, Puerto Rico. This is not the first time a similar creature has been seen.

By Jorge Martin Miranda C. 2022 (Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research affiliate)

"A few days ago, Mr. Miguel Matos, who lived in the 'El Duque' sector of the municipality of Naguabo, Puerto Rico, which adjoins the El Yunque forest to the east, told us that he had had several unusual experiences in that area and that he had to send us a note summarizing them.

We have already received the note from him, which contains very interesting details, and we are posting it here.

Summary of events experienced by me, Miguel Matos, in the El Duque sector, in the town of Naguabo, Puerto Rico.

1) August 2017, one night between 2:30 a.m. and 3:00 a.m. I saw an oblate-oval shaped unidentified flying object about 4 inches long and 2 inches wide, illuminated with a bright green light. I woke up to go to the bathroom and noticed a reflection of light on the bathroom window, coming from the back of the residence, outside.

Upon reaching the room I looked out the window and saw the aforementioned object hovering over the ground, about 4 feet high. I called my wife and she saw it too. The object flew over the entire lot, the house, and the structures, making some very fast sharp turns and zig-zags, as if examining everything, and then moved away at incredible speed towards the top of the mountain behind the residence, that communicates with the Pico del Este and is part of the El Yunque forest. My wife and I lost sight of it there. 

2) One night in November 2017, I had an encounter with a creature somewhat similar to an ape, but with other very strange physical characteristics. The house in which we lived belonged to my wife's mother, and we lived in an apartment on the ground floor of it.

On the land next to the house, there was a part covered with cement, and another section with stones and gravel. In that section, my wife had a brave Pitbull dog, with her little house. She was very territorial, and would not allow strangers in there.

One night the dog began to scream and moan as if she was afraid of something, and that surprised us because she was brave. I went out to see what was the matter and that it was all right, and as I did so I quickly noticed a very strong acrid smell similar to that of sulfur, which irritated my throat. 

Still, I went ahead and checked, but I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary, so I went back to the house. A few minutes later it was felt that something or someone was walking on the stones next to the canopy. At that moment I took my firearm and went back out to see what was happening. I again smelled that very strong odor, and then I noticed the presence of an apparently furry and dark creature about 75 feet away from me, which, not being able to see it up close, I thought maybe it was an ape. Then I lost sight of it.

3) One night in December 2017, I don't remember the exact date, I met an incredible creature on the road. It was already between 9:30 p.m. and 10:00 p.m., and I was returning from visiting my father in a town near Naguabo. I was driving my car, and being a few meters from the house, located in the El Duque neighborhood of the town of Naguabo, I suddenly saw that in the middle of the road there was something similar to a large dark brown dog.

I stopped my car and honked at it to make that 'dog' move, but it didn't move, so I got out of the car and threw a rock near it to make it move. To my great surprise, what I thought was a big dog got up, stretched, and I could see what it really was.

I could not believe what I was watching. There, standing in front of me, was a creature about seven feet tall. It was standing on two legs, like a person, but its legs were weird, kind of curved, and with three big claws on its feet.

Its entire body was covered with short dark brown hair. It had strong arms similar to a person's, with hands with only four clawed fingers. Its head was more or less like that of a human being, but his face somewhat resembled that of a ferret, with a slightly more pronounced snout, and he had short ears.

Its eyes were totally black and slightly almond-shaped, not very large (see image). Seeing it shocked me, and I thought to draw my firearm, but something told me not to do it, that creature was very big and if I missed the shot it could attack me.

We looked at each other for a few moments, and then it walked quietly, went into the bush, and I stopped seeing it. There I entered my vehicle and arrived at the house, where I told my partner what had happened.

She told me 'Why didn't you shoot him?', and I said 'I couldn't do it. If I missed the shot, that big thing could attack me, and I would not have been able to face it.

Now, that thing looked like a cross between a human being and an animal, and its behavior seemed intelligent to me. I suspect it may have been the same creature I had seen before, which I thought was an ape.

4) January 2018 - Strange flying lights on top of El Yunque mountain. After the passage of Hurricane María through Puerto Rico in 2017, the entire area was without electric power, and on many occasions, we saw strange lights flying over the area.

One night I was traveling back to the El Duque neighborhood of Naguabo, and casually looking up at the top of El Yunque Mountain I visualized a line of bright white lights coming down from the sky towards the top of El Yunque. Suddenly, that row of lights made two quick jerky movements from left to right and descended rapidly at the top, and then a mist suddenly formed that blocked the visibility towards the top of the mountain.

That fog did not seem normal to me. I believe it was something produced by whatever that row of lights was, to hide their presence up there.

5) January 2018: Strange behavior in animals. At the end of January 2018, a skinny horse with a rare stamp on his left leg arrived at the house. That horse did not approach the other horses that were there. But the strangest thing, in my opinion, was that he didn't eat grass. However, he pretended to eat something on the cement floor, where there was no grass. When you spoke to him he looked at you as if he understood you, with a very penetrating stare. After that, it went into the brush and disappeared from sight.

Mr. Martín, I wrote you everything I remember. Any doubt or question you can call me in confidence."

Here is an illustration I made of the creature Mr. Matos saw. I made it following his instructions, and he said it was similar to what he saw. - Jorge

Have you had a sighting or encounter?

Contact me by email - Thanks. Lon

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By Lon Strickler / Author Fortean Researcher

Publisher of the syndicated 'Phantoms and Monsters' blog - Host at 'Arcane Radio' - Spiritual Intuitive at 'Astral Perceptions Universal'

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(Source:; September 13, 2022;
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