Huge 'cryptid bird' observed in northern India garden

An East Indian woman recalls her sighting of a massive cryptid bird that was standing in her family garden that covered 40% of the space. She is still amazed at what she observed.

I recently received the following account:

"This is a story that I'm not sure even I believe in anymore, but at the time I will swear to god I felt it was 100% real. It was back when I was a teenager and my house in northern India had a medium-sized garden adjoining the front of the house. I and my friend always loved to look at the sky for eagles because at the time we felt that they were pretty big and mysterious.

This one time I came out of my house to go to my friend's house next door but decided to stand in front of the garden to look for eagles in the sky. I was looking up for about a minute or so when I looked down and saw what I believe to be the biggest eagle there ever could be standing in the corner of the garden covering 40% of it! It was black with a brown and golden neck and I'm not sure how to scale it because I was fairly far from the garden, but it was about 5-6 meters wide. I'm not sure because it's been a while & I've never really shared this story before. So I was extremely shocked to see a bird so huge.

I quickly ran into my home screaming to call my older brother to see the bird and he caught me running and asked why II was screaming. i told him to quickly come out and see a huge eagle and when we both walked through the front door the bird was gone. I looked at the sky for a good minute but didn't see it fly anywhere. Nor did I see its wingspan but it definitely looked like an eagle bigger than a fully grown peacock.

I know this sounds really unbelievable and this is the reason why I'm not sure myself if what I saw was real or not but at the time I'm fully sure that it was real. I definitely wasn't dreaming. I will swear to anything I'm not making this up and that this actually happened. Still, I find it amazing that something like that actually happened with me and I thought it was worth sharing." SV

NOTE: I researched a possible natural explanation, but I wasn't able to find a known Southern Asian avian that could reach this size. The Garuda is a semi-god in Hindi culture. Several cryptid birds seen in India have been said to be manifestations of the Garuda. Lon

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By Lon Strickler / Author Fortean Researcher

Publisher of the syndicated 'Phantoms and Monsters' blog - Host at 'Arcane Radio' - Spiritual Intuitive at 'Astral Perceptions Universal'

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(Source:; August 29, 2022;
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