Huge blue-eyed Bigfoot near Temecula, CA
“The Bigfoot I saw in Temecula, California in June 1985 was at night as I stopped on a dirt road. I couldn’t drive any farther that night and when I got out to do my business, I heard and saw it as I was finishing up. It did have an odor of something dead, like a deteriorated body of a coyote. Anyway, it stood about fifty yards into a dry river bed with trees about 45 feet average height. I shined my flashlight in the direction of the smell and saw movement. But what may be different then most sightings is its eyes actually glowed bright blue and was about 12 twelve feet tall or maybe a little less judging by the tree height. His eyes were just above a limb that I measured at 12 feet the next day. I had a .357 with me but I had a feeling that it would not stop this creature if I was to shoot it in case it came for me.
I left in a big hurry and that Datsun truck just did not seem fast enough. That was the second time I had seen one. The first was back in March 1952 in the sage area between Hemet, California and Temecula, California. I went back the next day and measured the tree limb to his footprints which were about twenty inches long and maybe 9 inches wide. This was a huge creature. I had a .357 I carried at all times with my own hot loads, a Colt Python which I was very accurate with. But it was so big I felt it would not stop it if he/she came for me.
Do or don’t take my word. I know that (12 feet) is big but that is what I believe it to be by the footprints and the tree limb. And one difference than others sightings, except for the dead/and foul smell it omitted, is this one difference, its eyes glowed a bright blue when a light was flashed in its eyes. And me being 70 yards distance which is fairly close it is out there somewhere most likely and this area is close to the Pima Indian Reservation which goes on down towards Mount Palomar Observatory, a whole lot of forestry type land.” - RH