Huge black-haired Bigfoot encountered by native Ute family in Uinta Mountains, Utah

A Ute Nations man describes a huge black-haired Bigfoot encounter his family had during a camping trip in the Uinta Mountains when he was a boy.

The following account was recently forwarded to me:

"When I was younger, my family went camping a lot. We used to go into the Uinta Mountains in Utah most of the time. There was a lake we were camping next to, so of course my family was fishing. My dad & mom, my uncle & I were on the shore, trying to catch fish.

Across the shore, on the other side of the small lake, my dad noticed a huge black-haired figure, just standing still and looking right at us. It had to have been 8+ feet tall, maybe even taller since it was so far away. My dad tried yelling at it since he had thought it was a prank of some sort. I don't remember what my dad said, but I remember the sound the creature made back. It wasn't anything we understood, just a kind of unintelligible screeching. It did however sound like it knew what my dad was saying. Like it was saying something to us, only in its language.

We were all looking at it at that point. My grandparents and my brother had joined us. I remember my parents attempted to recreate the screeches it was making, and it would respond. This went on for just a couple of minutes.

Then the creature took off. And I mean quickly and fast, on hands and feet! The entire time before it had been on 2 feet, like a human. It turned and started running towards the forest, and was out of sight in seconds. It had to of been running like 25-30 MPH. My brother, grandpa, and dog tried chasing it and went to where we had seen it and in the direction it left. They did find a huge lump of black hair that was stuck in a barbed wire fence; although I'm not certain it was really from the creature.

Why we didn't leave, still puzzles me. We spent the night in tents. It was very windy and I don't think anyone actually slept. I was worried that this creature might come around our campsite. I'm not sure the rest of my family was concerned.

I think about it from time to time, but it honestly isn't that rare of an encounter in Utah. I've seen UFOs, my brother was followed by a UFO, and I lived near Skinwalker Ranch my whole life.

Because of our native Ute tradition, I believe many of my people take these encounters in stride." BM


By Lon Strickler / Author Fortean Researcher

Publisher of the syndicated 'Phantoms and Monsters' blog - Host at 'Arcane Radio' - Spiritual Intuitive at 'Astral Perceptions Universal'

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(Source:; June 15, 2024;
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