Hairy human-like creature in Tajikistan, whistles back to witness

Location. Lake Pairon, Western Pamirs, Tajikistan

Date: July 23 1990 Time: early morning

Victor Novikov together with a guide had camped overnight on the shores of the lake, in the morning he got up and went to the fireplace. It was still dark. In the tranquil silence, he heard from a distance, footsteps of a creature. With his flashlight, Novikov flashed in the direction where the footsteps were coming from. He saw a 2-2.5meter hairy human-like creature that stood at a distance from where they were camping. Novikov whistled. The creature whistled back, turned around and stood motionless. Its eyes emitted a phosphorescent light. It stared at the witness in a “very serious, sharp and unfriendly manner”. It uttered a groaning like screams, turned and disappeared in the mountains.

HC addendum

Source: Victor Novikov “Night rendezvous in the Hissar Mountains” 2003 Type: E


By Albert S. Rosales / Unusual Phenomena Researcher

Born in Cuba, migrated to the US in 1966.
Had several unusual incidents as a young man while living inCuba, such incidents continued as an adult here in the US. Became interested in unusual phenomena and UFOs at a young age but soon directed my focus to the crux of the phenomena, the Humanoids, entities, extraterrestrials, Ufonauts, etc. Began collecting data on such encounters from worldwide sources in the late 80's. Have a current
database of over 18,000 entries which is updated and corrected daily have published four books so far, and expecting more soon.

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