French farmer invited into UFO for a ride

Location. Scaer, Finistere, France

Date: April 1960 Time: 11:00 a.m.

50-year old farmer Armand Leberou was riding his “moped” in a country road when he saw a metallic oval-shaped craft hovering close to the ground over a nearby field. A long metallic “pole” protruded from the top of the craft. Soon a tall (1.80m) humanoid with “European” features and wearing a green combination suit emerged from the craft and approached the witness and in a friendly manner invited him onboard the craft, speaking in perfect French. Inside the witness saw numerous instrument panels and other types of equipment. The humanoid attempted to explain the propulsion system to the witness. He was then given a “test flight” in which he flew over fields and cities. He was soon returned to the place of the encounter and the humanoid bade goodbye. After that, the object shot away silently at high speed.

HC addendum

Source: Catalogue Finistere, Project Becassine Type: G

High Strangeness Index: 7

Reliability of Source: 7

Comments: This case appears to have been a “leftover” from the 1954 wave. However, the ride in the UFO is unique, there are no cases on record from 1954 describing such an event.


By Albert S. Rosales / Unusual Phenomena Researcher

Born in Cuba, migrated to the US in 1966.
Had several unusual incidents as a young man while living inCuba, such incidents continued as an adult here in the US. Became interested in unusual phenomena and UFOs at a young age but soon directed my focus to the crux of the phenomena, the Humanoids, entities, extraterrestrials, Ufonauts, etc. Began collecting data on such encounters from worldwide sources in the late 80's. Have a current
database of over 18,000 entries which is updated and corrected daily have published four books so far, and expecting more soon.

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