'Flying gargoyle' observed over Brandon, Florida
The following comment was posted at Beyond Creepy, a video that referenced one of the winged humanoid sightings in the Zephyrhills area of Pasco County, Florida:
"You wouldn't believe me but I live in Florida, and about 6 months ago on the way to work early in the morning, no lie, I swear I saw a gargoyle. In the Brandon area. Not too far from Zephyrhills. I literally only clicked this video hoping you were talking about Florida." - Surago
I asked my associate, who is the administrator of the YouTube channel, if he could contact the witness for further information. He received the following information:
"Not too much to add. I was on my way to work. It was about 6:40am and quite a few months ago. It was very dark out still and I got to an intersection. It was a red light, so I stopped and was about three cars back. When the light turned green, I looked up and off in the distance there was a human-sized gargoyle looking thing flying across the sky. I’d say probably 2-3 hundred feet up and a good distance away. It was pretty quick but it flew behind some trees and a building so I lost sight of it. I was in so much awe of what I was looking at. I couldn’t even muster out a single word to get the guy in the truck with me to look up at it." - Surago
NOTE: I realize that there isn't much detail, but the area is approximately 15-20 miles south of 3 other sightings of a similarly described winged being. The other sighting reports can be found at:
'Skinny Gargoyle' Confronted By Florida Truck Driver
2nd 'Winged Gargoyle' Encountered Near Zephyrhills, Florida
3rd 'Winged Being' Encountered in Zephyrhills, Florida Area
Have you had a sighting of a flying humanoid or huge bat-like creature in the Chicago, Illinois metro area or at any other location? The entity has also been referred to as the 'Chicago Phantom', 'Chicago Mothman', 'Chicago Owlman' & 'Chicago Man-Bat.' Please feel free to contact me at [email protected] - your anonymity is guaranteed. Our investigative group is conducting a serious examination of his phenomenon. We are merely seeking the truth and wish to determine what eyewitnesses have been encountering. Your cooperation is truly appreciated. You can call me directly at 410-241-5974 as well. Thanks...Lon Strickler #ChicagoMothman #ChicagoPhantom