Extraterrestrials have a very simple way of making contact with us, according to this expert

According to Avi Loeb, one of the world's leading astrophysics experts and head of the astronomy department at Harvard, extraterrestrials could use artificial intelligence to make contact with us.


While artificial intelligence has experienced phenomenal growth in recent years, it has also been the subject of debate due the danger it represents. Today, it looks like it could allow extraterrestrials to makecontact with us. If Steven Spielberg had already scripted an interaction with a life form from a world outside our planet Earth in his film Encounters of the Third Kind (1977), according to astrophysical science expert Avi Loeb, this interaction could become a reality.

Extraterrestrial life as we imagine it

This relentless quest, led by ufologists, UFO enthusiasts and some renowned researchers, has been greatly popularized by the cultural industry, led by Steven Spielberg and his famous film: Encounter of the Third Kind (1977). Other films such as E.T.,the extraterrestrial (1982)Paul(2011), Life: UnknownOrigin (2017) and the Alien Saga deal with extraterrestrial life and the encounter between an extraterrestrial and a human being.

When we talk about this kind of event, we inevitably imagine an intense face-off. But according to some experts, this meeting would be nothing like what you'd expect.

Aliens won't travel by spaceship

Theoretical physicist Avi Loeb, an expert in astrophysics and astronomy, gives us his take on the potential encounter with extraterrestrial life. According to the researcher, 'interstellar travel will be via electronic devices and third-party interfaces rather than with biological creatures themselves'. But why?Well, quite simply because 'travel takes a long time', says the Harvard professorin a documentary entitled 'God VS Aliens'. It's a cold shower for alien fans who were hoping to discover extraterrestrial life on another planet!

Is AI related to extraterrestrials?

Beyond the practical aspect in terms of means of communication, Avi Loeb speculates that extraterrestrialscould even chat more easily with AIs than with ourselves.

If they visit us, we canof course use our AI systems to interpret their AI systems. And, you know, they might even feel a certain kinship with them.

A renowned researcher, Avi Loeb is known, among other things, for his close study of the strange celestial body Oumuamua, supposedly of extraterrestrial origin. According to him, this was an extraterrestrial vessel from another planet, not an asteroid with a strange trajectory. In January 2021, he enthused, 'If I'm right, this is the greatest discovery in the history of mankind'.


By Noamane Ragane / Oh!MyMag Contributor
(Source: ohmymag.co.uk; January 1, 2024; http://tinyurl.com/ykawyv7c)
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