Egg shaped craft sighted during the Kanto earthquake

Location: Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan

Date: September 1 1923 Time: 11:58 a.m.

During the terrible Kanto Earthquake [ar1] , Mr. K. who was running a printing shop, safely escaped from the building, which was crushed, and with his son left the scene to help neighbors. He ran to a safe place with the others and there they saw a disc-shaped object that descended close to Mr. K and the other seven. The craft was basically egg-shaped with a rim in the middle, with a transparent dome on top. The bottom was metallic in color. There was no visible landing gear. The group followed the hovering disc for about an hour to a bamboo grove without any problems. The disc had descended very low to the ground and seemingly led the group away from danger. Mr. K. thanked the disc and then two people appeared from inside, and the one on the right stepped out and shook hands with Mr. K. The disc then rose up at high speed and faded into the clouds. The occupants of the disc were described as Caucasian men wearing blue coveralls, with a white belt tightened around the waist. Their faces were white, the nose high, the mouth “a bit sharp”. The wore something like a white helmet which covered their ears and hair.

HC addendum

Source: Masaki Takasaka “I was saved by alien disk” in “UFO and the Universe” (No. 25, August 1977), Tsunetaka Uchino “Nippon Alien White Papers” (Year 1978). Type: B

[ar1] You have to wonder why save 7 or 8 people out of the 140,000 that died?


By Albert S. Rosales / Unusual Phenomena Researcher

Born in Cuba, migrated to the US in 1966.
Had several unusual incidents as a young man while living inCuba, such incidents continued as an adult here in the US. Became interested in unusual phenomena and UFOs at a young age but soon directed my focus to the crux of the phenomena, the Humanoids, entities, extraterrestrials, Ufonauts, etc. Began collecting data on such encounters from worldwide sources in the late 80's. Have a current
database of over 18,000 entries which is updated and corrected daily have published four books so far, and expecting more soon.

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