Does the Pentagon have UFO debris? Claims to be investigated by Department of Defense Inspector General

In the Spring of this year, headlines were made around the world with the stunning reply to a Freedom of Information Act request made by this author to the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) seeking the test results of UFO debris recovered by the US government. The reply to the request (received after the passage of more than three years) included over 150 pages of highly technical documents that related to remarkable futuristic materials that can promote invisibility, compress electromagnetic energy and even change the speed of light. Incredibly, some of the reports related to Nitinol, a shape-recovery alloy much like the famed morphing "memory metal" found at the Roswell UFO crash in 1947.

​As soon as the reply to the FOIA was made public, Pentagon spokesperson Susan Gough issued a brief statement that she was "aware of the social media chatter" about the FOIA reply, and that it did not relate to UFOs but rather to advanced weaponry programs. She did not explain how she knew this when she had no involvement in fulfilling the DIA request. Nor did she explain how a request for UFO-related information somehow got confused with weapons research and how such a "mistaken reply" to such an unambiguous request could ever have been made. Links to articles on this extraordinary saga can be found below.

Resulting investigations yielded that the Program Manager at the Pentagon who had authorized the production of the received technical documents incredibly had a dual role as rocket scientist and as an official UFO investigator. He had determined that UFOs were of extraterrestrial origin, and was subsequently forced out of his position because of his conclusions.

Susan Gough, Pentagon Spokesperson

When this author attempted to reach out to Susan Gough at the Pentagon to find out why she now denies the received reports relate to UFO debris, she refused all approaches, both by email and voice mail messages. Similarly, the DIA FOIA Director, Steven Tumiski, who had sent the author the reply to the FOIA with accompanying technical papers on UFO debris testing in the first place, has rebuffed all attempts at commenting further on his work product and has left this author "out to hang." He has obviously been intimidated by his superiors and has concerns that he should not have released the documents received.


Sean O'Donnell, Acting Inspector General, Department of Defense

Frustrated by the government and by some in Ufology, this author has elected to "push the up button" on the matter:

On July 6 of this year, a formal complaint was officially filed with the Acting Inspector General of the Department of Defense, Sean O'Donnell. Confirmation of receipt of the complaint was received shortly thereafter.

​In the complaint to the DoD's IG, this author formally charges Pentagon Spokesperson Sue Gough with 1) Falsification of Records, 2) Public Deception and Fabrication, and 3) Slander. Ms. Gough has a long history of generating incomplete information or even disinformation on the issue of UFOs. It is hoped that the formal complaint now lodged against her will help to stop her continuing dishonesty on these matters.

​The acknowledgement of the request for investigation of Gough and the Pentagon UFO debris papers reads:

"Your complaint is under review. If it's appropriate for another agency to investigate your complaint, it will be forwarded to the appropriate agency. You will only be contacted if we require additional information. Once a case is opened, we will not discuss its progress, and we will not respond to status requests. You will be notified when your complaint is closed."

Rather than work through a FOIA Appeals process or file a lawsuit, it was determined by this author's attorneys that the best method for resolving the issue would be to utilize the DoD's Inspector General's office. The Department of Defense Inspector General (DoDIG) is an independent, objective agency that provides oversight related to the programs and operations of the United States Department of Defense (DoD). The DoD IG office was created in 1982. The DoD IG conducts objective and independent audits, investigations, and other activities to prevent, detect and rectify problems in DoD programs and operations.

If the IG determines that the Pentagon Spokesperson was not truthful and falsified the meaning of the received UFO debris documents as relating to weaponry, then this would by extension mean that the documents received did indeed relate to science studies on UFO materials.


The response from the UFO community about the Pentagon papers relating to UFO debris testing was mixed. Though positive feedback was received from the general public and from numerous UFO researchers (as well as many within the UFO organization MUFON), some sought to minimize the importance of the reply. And some, such as John Greenewald of the private FOIA archive "The Black Vault", even issued a YouTube video denying that the FOIA related to UFO debris (though it unequivocally does) and sided with the Pentagon's Sue Gough on the matter. Acting unprofessionally, Greenewald released his video on the documents without ever first contacting me -- the very person who filed the FOIA -- to gain perspective.

He eventually invited me on his program to discuss the matter, as did UFO researcher Kevin Randle. This author was abused by both. Neither Greenewald (who is an archivist, not an investigator) nor Randle possess any technical higher education of any type whatsoever, yet they sought to weigh in on these science papers. Neither man was able to offer a coherent explanation of how a FOIA request only referencing UFOs, UAPs, recovered debris and debris testing could mean anything else. Greenewald, territorial of anything related to FOIA, made evident his lack of intellectual depth. He is likely concerned that any contradiction of the Pentagon's Sue Gough may somehow jeopardize his "cozy" relationship with the documents fed him over the years. It was also revealed that Greenewald's relationship with government archivists is such that in over a quarter of a century of such work, he has never once initiated a FOIA-related lawsuit to obtain requested information. Kevin Randle, in a disrespectful fit, even told this author -- an invited guest on his show who he begged to come on -- to "shut up!" live on air. Randle also tried to pose entirely unrelated "gotcha" questions in an effort to trip me up.

The jealousy, one-upmanship and lack of genuine spirit of cooperation that these men harbor has hindered an understanding of the UFO debris Pentagon papers. It is difficult enough to try to get a truthful reply from the government on this matter without having to also contend with the shameful behavior exhibited by fellow UFO community members.


(Use source link below - for click to open function)

The Pentagon's recent report summarizing findings on UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) was unsatisfactory to many. Not the least of the reasons for this is that there was not one mention whatsoever in the report about UFO debris potentially found as flotsam, shot-off or crash material. This despite numerous reports of such recovered debris and even the payment in 2019 of three-quarters of a million dollars by the US Army to Tom DeLonge's private research tank, "To the Stars Academy" or TTSA, to analyze "novel" materials. The contract also makes clear what the Army hopes to get out of the partnership: to see if it can use TTSA's materials and technologies to advance its ground vehicles. A review of the contract document doesn't mention TTSA's claim that some of the materials in its possession are extraterrestrial.

Frankly, the disappointing four or so videos released or leaked by the Pentagon of the "Tic Tac" craft and of "fuzzy black globular darting things" and of red "lights in the sky" are simply not that impressive at all. The fact that the Pentagon possesses actual physical evidence in the form of strange, high-performance material from UFOs makes such videos look silly and meaningless.

The "elephant in the room" has always been claims that the Defense Department possesses amazing metals from ET craft.

These claims must once and for all be examined by an impartial authority. Though it will likely take months or longer to receive the DoD IG's determination, I will remain unrelenting in pursuit of the truth that these extraordinary documents relate to materials research by military scientists based on the retrieval of craft remnants from another world.


Pentagon Admits It Has UFO Debris, Releases Test Results

Pentagon in Crisis Over UFO Debris Disclosure, Weapons Program Used as Cover

Pentagon's UFO Study Manager Found, ET Connection Confirmed


By Anthony Bragalia / UFO Investigator

Anthony Bragalia has long investigated the UFO phenomenon. 
From exposing one of the most famous UFO cases (Socorro) as a student prank, to finding the scientists involved in the study of the “memory metal” debris from the Roswell crash, his discoveries are always sure to be thought-provoking and even provocative.

He has contributed online articles that have appeared on numerous websites and blogs and discussed on forums worldwide over many years.

​His work has been featured in books including Witness to Roswell, Inside the Real Area 51, and The Children of Roswell, as well as in magazines including Nexus, Atlantis Rising and Paranoia.

​Bragalia applies the research and interview skills he has honed 
as an executive search consultant for some of the world’s leading corporations in exploring the world of UFOs.

​UFO Explorations is a venue for posting Bragalia’s latest reports and revelations.

​It also brings together nearly all of his past online articles in an indexed archive.

(Source:; July 9, 2021;
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